Report Tasks

To launch a report, do one of the following:

  • Click Reports Function Tab. The Reports window opens. On the task panel, select your desired report.

  • Right-click Reports Function Tab. The Reports context menu opens. On the context menu, select your desired report.

The report opens in the main pane of the Reports window.

To rearrange the order of the columns in a report:

  • Click and hold a column header and drag it to the location where you want the column to appear. Then release the mouse click.

To sort the rows by a particular column:

  • Click the column header of the column you want sorted. Click the column header again to toggle between ascending sort order and descending sort order.

To include or exclude columns in a report:

  • Right-click any column header to expose a context menu which lists all the possible columns for the report. A checkmark appears beside each field that appears in the report. To include a column that is unchecked, click the name in the context menu. To exclude a column that is checked, click the name in the context menu.

To include or exclude rows in a report:

  1. Determine the criteria for the basis of the row filter.

  2. Right-click any column header to expose a context menu. Select Filter Option from the context menu. The Filter dialog opens. To show all fields, thereby annulling all filters, click Show All.

  3. The Filter dialog usually has two tabs: String Filter and Numeric Filter. If your criteria involves a numeric field, select the Numeric Filter tab, otherwise select the String Filter tab. Note that you can choose more than one filter criterion.

  4. Use the check boxes to select the fields appropriate for your criteria.

  5. For the selected criteria, select a condition from the Condition drop down menu then enter an appropriate value or string in the next edit field. On the String Filter tab, you can also select a secondary field for any criterion to act in union with.

  6. When all criteria are defined, click Apply Filter. The report changes to include only those rows that meet the filter criteria.

To generate a PDF or CSV file:

  • In the task panel, click Create PDF File.

    The Generate Report dialog opens.

    1. Enter a title if it is different from the default.

    2. Select the orientation.

    3. Enter the full path to a directory that contains the font “arialuni.ttf.” If no directory is specified, the default font is applied to the report.

    4. Indicate whether to generate a Microsoft Excel readable file with a .csv extension. Click OK

When a report is generated, an Acrobat file named BEXReportReportName.pdf, and, optionally, a Microsoft Excel readable file named BEXReportReportName.csv are created on your local disk. The report files are created in your computer’s default temporary directory, as defined by the environmental variable %TEMP% or %TMP%.

DPX attempts to display the report in PDF format in Acrobat Reader. For successful display, ensure Acrobat Reader is installed and registered. Also ensure the environment variable ACROCOMMAND registry entry is correctly set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress\nodename\0.

Last updated