Recovering an Archived Agentless Backup

Recovery of an archived agentless backup is done in two steps. In Step 1, you restore the backup instance from media to a vStor volume. In Step 2, you complete the initially intended recovery by restoring from the vStor.

If recovering from AWS and you receive the ssdmrs closed connection message, perform the following steps and restart the recovery job.

  1. On the Catalogic DPX OVA appliance and navigate to the bin directory.

    $ cd /opt/DPX/bin
  2. Open the bevenv script with a text editor such as vi:

    $ vi bexenv
  3. Add the following lines to the end of the file, save the changes and exit.

    export NIB_PORT_RANGE
  4. Unblock the ports on the Catalogic DPX OVA appliance by issuing the following command.

    $ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=50000-50030/tcp
  5. Navigate to the misc directory and restart the nibbler service.

    $ cd ../misc
    $ sudo ./bexads stop
    $ sudo ./bexads start
  6. Re-run any jobs that failed as a result of the error.

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