Microsoft PowerShell and Microsoft Windows PowerShell

Most command-line interfaces of Catalogic DPX for Microsoft Windows, such as the silent installation of it, require either Microsoft PowerShell (also known as Microsoft PowerShell Core) or Microsoft Windows PowerShell.

Catalogic Software has tested the product command-line interfaces with the following shells for Microsoft Windows:

  • Microsoft PowerShell Long-Term Support (LTS) releases for Microsoft Windows (x86-64)

  • Microsoft Windows PowerShell 5.1

Installing or updating Microsoft PowerShell for Microsoft Windows

Microsoft PowerShell is not bundled with Microsoft Windows. You can install the latest LTS release of Microsoft PowerShell, typically, by downloading the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) file from the following web page and run the installer on your Microsoft Windows workstation:

After installing Microsoft PowerShell on Microsoft Windows, open this application to start a new shell session. To start a new session with the administrator privilege, right-click the application icon and click Run as administrator.

Upgrading Microsoft Windows PowerShell to version 5.1

If you are using Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, or Microsoft Windows 8.1, you have to upgrade Microsoft Windows Management Framework (WMF) which includes Microsoft Windows PowerShell to the latest version, 5.1. Refer to the following instructions and install WMF 5.1.

After installing Microsoft WMF 5.1, open Microsoft Windows PowerShell and run the following command to check the application version:

PS> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Ensure that you can see the output which is similar to the following example:

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
5      1      19041  1682    

To start a new session of Microsoft Windows PowerShell with the administrator privilege, right-click the application icon and click Run as administrator.

Last updated