Infrastructure Setup

Take the following steps and ensure that your infrastructure is set up correctly before deploying Catalogic DPX on it:

  1. Obtain all hardware and place it in its permanent location.

  2. Turn on all hardware, attach it to all appropriate networks and devices, then confirm hardware functions as per specifications.

  3. Note that the tape library is connected later, after the Enterprise is set up. See Setting Up Tape Library in NetApp Storage Environment.

  4. Ensure that optimal network performance can be obtained in communications among all servers and storage systems used in the solution.

  5. Ensure that all client nodes and storage systems used in the solution can communicate through hostname. Ensure that the DNS forward and reverse resolutions work in your environment.

  6. As the software needs to be installed with an account that has administrator privileges, determine the appropriate account and ensure it is it available to the individual performing the installation.

See also. If your deployment includes remote office nodes, be familiar with the Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection remote seeding practices. These practices are thoroughly described in the User’s Guide.

Last updated