Manually Populating the Software Update Package Repository

On each master server, there is a file system location in which your Software Update packages are deposited before deployment. This location is product-directory\updates, where product-directory is the main folder.

A Software Update package that is manually obtained should be placed in this repository if you want nodes to be updated by using the Software Update System. Each Software Update package is identified by a unique alphanumeric string reflecting basic information about the update. Do not change the name.

To manually obtain the Software Update packages:

  1. Log in to the Software Update System website.

  2. In the section for your product release, select Software Updates.

  3. Look at the table of Operating Systems and determine which packages you’ll need. You must apply updates to every node in your backup Enterprise.

  4. Download correct packages. Do not worry if you download extra/unneeded packages. The Software Update System finds and applies the proper updates as needed.

  5. Save those packages in the Software Update package repository: product-directory\updates\packages.

After manually downloading Software Update packages and placing them in the Software Update repository, you need to do the following:

  1. Start the Software Update System as described in Installing Catalogic DPX Software Update Packages.

  2. When the Catalogic CPX Autoupdate Authentication dialog appears, click OK without entering a User ID or password.

  3. Proceed with the Catalogic DPX Software Update System. It utilizes the Software Update packages in this Software Update package repository.

Note. The recommended method is to use the Software Update System web service.

Last updated