Restore the Base Image Backup and Seed the NetApp Storage System

At the destination site, use the spare Windows machine as the destination node. Ensure that this machine is defined as a node, and that it has a spare volume that matches the volume size of the Windows primary.

To restore the base Image backup at the Windows destination node:

Note. For this example, windows.spare is the Windows spare client, E: is the backed up volume, and F: is the local restore destination volume (spare partition) used to create a relationship with the NetApp storage system for transfer of the Base backup. SNAPBACK is the name of the Block backup job. The spare partition must be explicitly selected as the Image restore target.

Warning! The data on the spare partition of the Windows spare client will be overwritten during the Image restore.

  1. Ensure that restore partitions at the destination are not locked by an application or process.

  2. In the management console, create an Image restore job to restore data from the backup media to the volume F: on the spare windows.spare machine.

  3. On the task pane, click Set Destination Options. The Destination Options dialog displays.

  4. In the Additional NDMP Environment field, enter NIB_SV_SEEDING=Y;NIB_SV_JOB=<SNAPBACK>, where is the Block incremental backup job you defined.

  5. Click Save Restore Job on the task pane to name and save this job.

  6. Click Run Restore Job on the task pane, and then click OK to run the job.

Note. Each volume backed up from the remote primary must be restored to its own volume on the spare machine.

Note. The procedure above automatically seeds the NetApp storage system with the base backup, enabling incremental backups to run thereafter. DPX generates log file entries that indicate whether the intrinsic seeding step succeeded. See Catalogic knowledge base article 47228.

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