SharePoint Installation and Configuration Requirements

  • When configuring access to DPX services on a SharePoint Server, specify a user account that has administrator-level privileges. That same account must have administrator-level access to SharePoint itself. Following are additional considerations for the user account.

  • Do not install SharePoint on %SystemRoot% (which is usually the C: drive). Doing so may interfere with Block restore and Instant Access.

  • DPX can recover SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2016 web applications to a SQL 2012 AlwaysOn availability group. Consult your Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group documentation for specific procedures. Considerations and Requirements for SharePoint 295

    • DPX will not automatically create SQL 2012 AlwaysOn Availability groups. To restore into a SQL 2012 AlwaysOn availability group, the group must be properly configured, have an active listener, and the group must have at least 1 active database that is either existing or new and unused for DPX to recognize the restore destination.

    • When recovering to an existing listener that is not the same as the original listener name, a special registry setting must be configured in the SharePoint control node. To configure the registry entry in the Windows registry for your DPX server:

      Run Mcrosoft Regsitry Editor (regedit) and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncsort\BackupExpress<server>\0 where <server> is the name of the host DPX was installed on. Create a new String value called SNAPSPNEWSERVER, and assign it the value of the new listener name.

  • The AlwaysOn availability group cannot have an active database with the same name that you intend to restore. You must create a standalone SQL database on the AlwaysOn availability primary replica node with the same database name as the database you intend to recover. The recovery will take place into this database, and then be merged into the AlwaysOn availability group.

To access SharePoint applications, DPX must run on a user account that has permission to:

  • call into VSS

  • perform administrative actions on SharePoint

  • access database servers

For information about VSS requirements for successful SharePoint backups and restores, go to

In a SharePoint Farm configuration, an appropriate account is usually a domain administrator account that has the SharePoint access permission by default, or a domain account that has the SharePoint access permissions specifically assigned.

By default, DPX is installed to run using a Windows Local System account. If that account does not have the required privileges to access SharePoint, change this setting and specify another account for this configuration.

In a SharePoint standalone configuration, using the local Windows system account is normally sufficient, or use an alternate account, as long as that account also has SharePoint access privileges. Configure the SharePoint 2010 VSS Writer service to run as a domain account, when applicable.

DPX cannot interface with SharePoint without use of the SharePoint VSS Writer. Ensure that the SharePoint VSS Writer is running under an account that also has access to SharePoint resources.

To prevent failures during the backup and restore of SharePoint servers, The DPX cmagent account must have sufficient privileges to:

  • start the SharePoint writer by using the stsadm interface

  • query VSS components

  • collect a SharePoint farm/standalone server information by using .NET CSOM, etc.

A DPX cmagent account, normally a domain user, needs to have a SharePoint farm administrator privilege, a SQL sysadmin privilege, and local admin permission. For information on configuring permissions for backup and recovery on SharePoint Foundation 2010 or SharePoint 2013, see or For information on security settings for running VSS, see

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