DAS Configuration File
The library management software for an AML/SDLC is called Distributed AML Server or DAS. DAS configuration files are edited using the local operating system editor.
Each AML/SDLC virtual tape library is identified by a unique DAS client name. You enter this client name and other information describing the virtual tape library into the DAS server configuration file on the AML/SDLC. You also enter the host name or IP address of the node that will serve as the virtual tape library controller.
The following shows general syntax for a client configuration entry in a DAS server configuration file:
client_name = client-name, hostname = workstation-network-name | ip_address = workstation-ip-address [,requests = (basic | complete)] [,options = ([avc |no_avc] [,dismount |no_dismount])] [,inserts = ((insert area range))] [,ejects = ((eject area range))] [,scratchpools = ((scratchpools range))]
Note. For SDLC 2.2 and below, the following two lines are required:
[,volumes = ((volume range), (volume range), …)]
[,drives = ((drive range))]
The following shows a sample client configuration entry:
client name = virtualjb1, hostname = server1, ip_address =, requests = complete, options = (avc, dismount) volumes = ((000912 - 000961), (000965), (000972-000977)), drives = ((Drive3, Drive4)), inserts = ((I01 - I03)), ejects = ((E01, E03)), scratchpools = ((sp02))
The sample above includes both the hostname and ip_address of the node, but only one or the other is needed.
For each AML/SDLC virtual tape library, you must include an additional client configuration entry in the DAS server configuration file.
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