Tape Library Setup Scenarios

For open storage, you can put the media changer on the DPX open storage server, master server, or any other supported device server. In a simple environment, it is common to put the media changer on the DPX open storage server.

For open storage, it is recommended that the tape drives be attached to the DPX open storage server. There is no requirement for the master server to have locally atached tape drives.

There are a number of supported ways to attach the tape library's media changer and tape drives to the Enterprise. They can be connected through a fiber channel SAN, iSCSI SAN, direct fiber channel attachment, or legacy parallel SCSI cable attachment.

If the connection is through a fiber channel SAN, the media changer must be controlled by a device server.

iSCSI SAN connections are generally not recommended due to latency and connection reliability. If iSCSI is absolutely necessary, for example if no physical server with HBA is available for media changer control, great care must be taken by the site administrators to ensure such connections are very reliable. Any disruption in connection will impact backup and media control operations.

Last updated