Power State Considerations for RRP

Note the following considerations related to the power state of the Instant Access VM used for RRP jobs:

  • While a RRP job or Full with RRP job is in progress, you cannot change the on/off state of the Instant Virtualization VM in vSphere Client. You must wait for the job to complete. The RRP job may seem to be complete because the new production VM is available almost immediately; however, data transfer is occurring in the background, and the job is not actually complete until this data transfer completes (which can take hours, or even days).

  • Once the RRP job starts, don’t attempt to change the power state of the Instant Virtualization VM. If that VM is powered on and you power it off from the VM itself, the RRP job will fail. If the Instant Virtualization VM is powered off, you cannot turn it on until the RRP job completes. The power on state will be grayed out in VMware.

  • RRP using Storage vMotion requires the Instant Access VM in the power on state. If the Instant Access VM is off before the RRP job starts, RRP will proceed, but will use the cloning method. In this scenario, the rapid creation of a usable production machine will not be realized.

  • If you don’t select the Start VM after it is created check box in the virtualization wizard, that is equivalent to starting a Full with RRP job with the Instant Virtualization VM powered off, and the RRP job will use the cloning method rather than the migration (Storage vMotion) method.

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