Reports Templates

This chapter provides an overview of the available report templates in DPX. These templates allow users to generate specific reports for various aspects of the system's performance, configuration, and status.

Note. For each report, you can add a schedule in the detailed view to automate report generation. Additionally, you can click the Download button to save the report as a PDF or CSV file for further analysis or sharing.

Backup Data Growth

The Backup Data Growth report displays the total data protected by DPX Backup Jobs per day. It provides insights into:

  • Total Data: The cumulative amount of data backed up each day

  • Total Jobs: The number of backup jobs executed daily

  • Total Nodes: The count of unique nodes or systems backed up

  • Interval Start Date: The beginning of each reporting period

Use Case: This report is crucial for capacity planning and trend analysis. By tracking the growth of backup data over time, administrators can:

  • Anticipate storage needs and plan upgrades accordingly

  • Identify sudden spikes in data growth that may require investigation

  • Justify budget requests for additional storage resources

Tip. Review this report monthly to stay ahead of storage capacity issues and optimize your backup infrastructure.

Daily Overview

The Daily Overview report offers a 24-hour snapshot of data protection status, including:

  • Waiting Jobs: Number of jobs queued for execution

  • Active Jobs: Currently running backup operations

  • Failed Jobs: Jobs that encountered errors and did not complete successfully

  • Completed Jobs: Successfully finished backup tasks

The report also provides details such as:

  • Job Name: Identifier for each backup job

  • Type: The kind of backup performed (e.g. File Backup, VMware Backup)

  • Status: Current state of the job (e.g. Failed, Completed)

  • Start Time and End Time: When the job began and finished

  • Duration: How long the job took to complete

  • Completed: Amount of data processed, if applicable

Use Case: This report is essential for daily operational monitoring. It helps administrators:

  • Quickly identify and address failed jobs

  • Ensure all scheduled backups are completing as expected

  • Balance workload by monitoring the number of waiting and active jobs

Job Details

The Job Details report provides comprehensive information about DPX Jobs, including:

  • Job Name and Type: Identifies each job and its purpose (e.g. VMware Backup, File Backup)

  • Include/Exclude: Lists the specific items selected for backup or explicitly excluded

  • Virtual Machine: For VM backups, the name of the protected virtual machine

  • vCenter: Path: The location of the VM in the vCenter hierarchy

  • Destination Node: The target system where backups are stored

  • Destination Volume: The specific storage volume for backups

  • Schedule: Displays the frequency and timing of backups

  • Instance Type: Indicates whether the backup is full, incremental, or differential

  • Retention: The duration for which the backup will be kept before expiration

Use Case: This report is invaluable for audit purposes and job management. It allows administrators to:

  • Verify that all critical data is included in backup jobs

  • Ensure proper scheduling and retention policies are in place

  • Troubleshoot issues by examining the exact configuration of each job

Job Status

The Job Status report displays the current status of all DPX Jobs, including:

  • Job Name and Type

  • Status (e.g., Completed, Failed, Running)

  • Start and End Time

  • Duration: The total time taken for the job to complete

  • Retention: The period for which the backup will be kept before expiration

  • Expiration Date: The date when the backup will no longer be available for restore

Use Case: This report is vital for real-time monitoring and historical analysis. It helps in:

  • Identifying jobs that are taking longer than expected

  • Ensuring backups complete within designated backup windows

  • Planning for expired backups that need to be archived or deleted

Jobs Protection at a Glance

This report offers a concise 7-day overview of DPX Backup Job status, categorizing jobs by:

  • Completed: Successfully finished jobs

  • Failed: Jobs that encountered errors and did not complete

  • Partially Succeeded: Jobs that were completed but with some issues or warnings

  • Held or Suspended: Jobs paused or stopped by the system or an administrator

  • User Action Required: Jobs needing manual intervention to proceed

  • Primary Backup: Jobs with a single backup destination

  • Double Protection: Jobs with more than one backup destination, providing an additional layer of data security

Use Case: This report provides a quick assessment of overall backup health, allowing administrators to:

  • Identify patterns in job failures or partial successes

  • Ensure double protection is working as intended for critical data

  • Prioritize which jobs need immediate attention

License Usage

The License Usage report displays DPX License information and usage. Key areas include:

  • vStor Nodes: Shows licensed and used storage controller nodes

  • Operating Systems: Breaks down usage by Windows, Linux, and other platforms

  • DPX Block Data Protection: Details usage for various protection types (e.g. VM, UNIX, Windows/Linux)

  • License Key: The unique identifier for your DPX license

  • Master Server Type: The operating system of the DPX master server

  • Key Expiration: The number of days until the license expires

Use Case: This report is crucial for license compliance and capacity planning. It helps in:

  • Ensuring the organization stays within licensed limits

  • Planning for license renewals or expansions

  • Identifying underutilized or overutilized license categories

Media Devices

This report provides information about various storage devices used in the backup infrastructure, including:

  • Device Name and Type: Identifier and category of the storage device (e.g. DISKDIRECTORY)

  • Device Cluster/Library: The group or library the device belongs to

  • Associated Node: The system where the device is connected

  • Device Path: The file system location of the device

  • Device Number: A unique identifier within the DPX system

  • Unique ID: A system-generated identifier for the device

  • Status: Current operational state of the device (e.g. Free, In Use)

Use Case: The Media Devices report is essential for maintaining a healthy backup environment by:

  • Monitoring the status of all storage devices to ensure availability

  • Planning for device maintenance or replacement

  • Balancing load across multiple storage devices

Tip. Regularly review this report to identify any devices that are consistently showing as busy or unavailable, as they may require attention or upgrades.

Node Configuration

The Node Configuration report displays detailed information about DPX Nodes, including:

  • Node name and Hostname/IP: Identifiers for each protected system

  • Node Group: The logical group the node belongs to for management purposes

  • Operating System: The OS running on the node

  • DPX Version: The version of the DPX software installed on the node

  • DPX Patch Level: Any patches or updates applied to the DPX software

Use Case: This report is valuable for maintaining an up-to-date inventory of protected systems. It aids in:

  • Ensuring all nodes are running the correct and latest version of DPX

  • Identifying systems that may need updates or patches

  • Grouping nodes for more efficient management and policy application

Node Recovery Points

This report displays Recovery Points for DPX Protected Nodes and Virtual Machines, detailing:

  • Source Node and Volume: The origin of the backed-up data

  • Backup Date: When the recovery point was created

  • Job Name and Type: The backup job that created the recovery point

  • Required Recovery Resources: Specific storage locations needed for recovery

  • Expiration Date: When the recovery point will no longer be available

Use Case: The Node Recovery Points report is critical for disaster recovery planning and execution. It allows administrators to:

  • Quickly identify the most recent recovery point for each protected system

  • Ensure recovery points are available within the required recovery time objective (RTO)

  • Plan for resource allocation during recovery operations

Node Protection at a Glance

This report provides a concise 7-day overview of Node Protection status, including:

  • Total protected nodes

  • Nodes with successful backups

  • Nodes with failed backups

  • Distinction between Primary Backup and Double Protection (backups to multiple destinations)

Use Case: This report helps in maintaining a comprehensive view of data protection across all nodes by:

  • Identifying nodes that consistently fail to back up

  • Ensuring critical systems have both primary and double protection

  • Tracking the overall health of node protection over time

RPO Compliance

The RPO Compliance report displays:

  • Virtual Machines and Nodes protected by a job that has not run within the last 24 hours

  • Source Node name: The system that needs attention

  • Job Type: The kind of backup job associated with the node

  • Backup Date: The last successful backup date and time

  • Age: The time elapsed since the last successful backup

Use Case: This report is crucial for ensuring adherence to Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) by:

  • Quickly identifying systems at risk of not meeting RPO requirements

  • Prioritizing backup job troubleshooting efforts

  • Providing data for compliance reporting and audits

Unprotected Nodes

This report shows:

  • Virtual Machines and Nodes not protected within the last 24 hours

  • Source Node name: The system lacking recent protection

  • Job Name: The last associated backup job, if any

  • Job Type: The kind of backup job last run on the node

  • Latest Backup: Date and time of the last successful backup, if available

  • Age: Time elapsed since the last successful backup

Use Case: The Unprotected Nodes report is essential for maintaining comprehensive data protection by:

  • Identifying systems that have fallen out of the backup schedule

  • Detecting newly added systems that haven't been included in a protection plan

  • Ensuring no critical data is left unprotected due to oversight or configuration errors

Tip. Review this report daily in conjunction with your change management process to ensure new systems are promptly added to appropriate backup jobs.

Last updated