Common Menu Bar Options

The menu bar provides access to a variety of general and function-specific tasks. Several menus such as File, Edit, and Help appear on most function windows. You can also see the Window when you open multiple function windows.

Tip. In some function windows, the menus may include additional items. Additional menu items that are specific to a function are described in that function’s topic.


From the menu bar of the desktop interface, click File to access the following operations:

File > Print [Ctrl + P]

Open a dialog box that allows you to print the window you are viewing.

File > Exit [Alt + F4]

Close the current window of Catalogic DPX.


From the menu bar of the desktop interface, click Edit to access the following operations:

Edit > Global GUI Preferences

Open the Global GUI Preferences dialog box where you can configure the appearance of all pages in the desktop interface, such as fonts. The new settings take effect when you open a new page. You can reset the settings by clicking Defaults.

Edit > Server List

Open the Server List dialog box where you can add master servers to or delete them from your server list. The Master Server is the computer on which the Catalog for your desired Enterprise is stored.

To add a Master Server, enter its hostname in the New Server Name field, and click Add. To delete a Master Server, select it in the Server List drop-down menu, and click Delete. Click OK to apply the changes that you made, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

Edit > SNMP Configuration

Open the Configure SNMP Monitor dialog box where you can add or delete the Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP) monitor hosts from the SNMP monitor host list of Catalogic DPX. SMTP is a standard protocol that is used for parsing event information from applications on a network to a network monitor. Before Catalogic DPX interacts with the network monitor, you must identify the node on which the monitor is running.

To add an SNMP Monitor Host, enter its IPv4 address or hostname in the Host field, and click Add. To delete an SNMP Monitor Host, select it in the SNMP Monitor Hosts drop-down menu, and click Delete. Click OK to apply the changes that you made, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

Edit > Use System Font Size

Use the system font size for the desktop interface.


To open the help page relevant to the current view, click Help in the menu bar and click On Topic. Or, press [F1].

In addition, you can use the following Help items in the menu bar:

Help > Catalogic Software on the Web

Switch to your default web browser and open the home page of Catalogic Software (

Help > Email-Technical Services

Switch to your default email client and compose a new message for Catalogic Software Technical Support:

Help > Show Error Messages

Switch to your web browser and open a single HTML page, Error Messages, that outlines all error codes, messages, and explanations for Catalogic DPX.

Tip. You can open the Error Messages page directly, under the following address scheme: http://<Catalogic DPX IPv4 or hostname>:6122/gui/bexError.htm.

Help > About DPX [Ctrl + Z]

Open the About DPX window that shows the product version, product build date, and copyright information about Catalogic DPX. Click Licensing Info and you can see additional license information, including the third-party software that is used in Catalogic DPX.

Help > About DPX License [Ctrl + B]

Open the DPX License window where you can manage the license information for Catalogic DPX.

See also. For more information about managing licenses, follow the instructions in Chapter 20: Managing Licenses in the DPX 4.9 User’s Guide.

Help > Autoupdate DPX [Ctrl + E]

Runs an Autoupdate scan to retrieve, deploy, and install software update packages.

Help > Nodes info

Runs a Nodes Info scan to display the status of nodes in the Enterprise.

See also. For more information about scanning nodes to get node information, follow the instructions in Chapter 29: Getting Node Information in the DPX 4.9 User’s Guide.

Last updated