Tape Library Verification

This topic describes how to test communication between the tape library and the controller node containing the installed media changer device file. For DPX, verification is recommended if you installed your media changer device file by using the manual installation procedures described in Manual Tape Library Installation.

Testing the Tape Library Installation

The tape library media changer test program JItest.exe (or ./jitest* depending on platform) is used to test the tape library installation. The test program requires as an argument the media changer device file name created during the installation procedure in the preceding chapter. The example here uses a Windows device name. The only difference between this example and other platforms is the device name which can be /dev/sync_sa0, /dev/rchg/c000t0d0s0, etc. For UNIX and Linux environments, run ./bin/bexenv prior to running the jitest utility.

  1. At the command line, type jitest sync_sa0 (or ./jitest /dev/sync_sa/0 for UNIX). This produces the following output: Please type the command.

  2. Enter the command open to open communications. Sample output follows:

    Device <<sync_sa0>> is opened.....
    Inquiry report
    Exist bar Code Label Scanner UNKNOWN.
    capabilities= 0xe0eee
    initr= Yes
    im/export= Yes
    support arm rotate= No
    need alignment= No
    need init after port is accessed = No
    Support Extend = No
    Support Retract = No
    Support AutoUL = No
    vid="STK "
    pid="9730 "

    The output lists information about this particular tape library. An explanation of some of the parameters follows:


    Number of media changers and the address of the first media changer (FIRST_ARM_ADDR).


    Number of tape cartridges and the first cartridge (FIRST_CART_ADDR).


    Number of tape drives and the first drive (FIRST_DRIVE_ADDR).


    Number of CAPs (Cartridge Access Ports) and the first CAP (FIRST_XPORT_ADDR).

    In our example, the address of the first drive is 1030. The second drive therefore has an address of 1031. The same holds for the cartridges. The first cartridge has an address of 0, the second has an address of 1, and so on.

  3. Type setup 0.

  4. Type quit to quit JItest, or type help for other useful commands.

  5. If the media changer accepts these commands without obvious error, the tape library is ready to be configured for use. Proceed to Manual Tape Library Configuration for the tape library configuration procedure.