Adding a Client Node from the Master Server Level

This procedure describes adding an already existing DPX Client machine as a node to the DPX Master Server. This procedure is only possible if a DPX Client is already installed on the machine you want to add as a node. The DPX Client and the DPX Master Server must also be in the same network.

Before you start, make sure the following conditions are met:

  • The Catalogic DPX Master Server is deployed and can be accessed through either web or desktop interface

  • At least one Catalogic DPX Client is deployed within the same network


  1. Open a web browser and go to the Master Server’s IP address.

  2. Go to the Nodes section in the sidebar. A list of all nodes added to the DPX Master Server will be shown. At least one node, master, should be already on the list. This is the Master Server itself – compare the IP address in the list and in the web browser’s address bar. The Master Server can also serve as a client to back up data from itself.

Tip. If you expect a node to be already on the list but you cannot find it, try refreshing the view and then search for the node by its name, group or type.

  1. Click the Add Node button in the upper right corner.

  1. The Add Node dialog will open. Select the node Type: DPX Client. For other node types, see Adding Other Node Types to the Master Server.

  2. Fill in all other required fields: specify the name for the new node, provide a valid resolvable hostname or IP address, and select the group for the node.

Note. The Node Name must be unique throughout the Enterprise, regardless of the Node Group it is saved in.

Tip. Providing the hostname is recommended over providing an IP address – in case the IP address changes, the hostname can still be resolved to the new IP address, and the connection between the server and the client will remain functional.

  1. Click Save. The node is now added and is visible in the nodes list.

Tip. If you encounter a timeout error or the hostname provided cannot be resolved to a valid IP address, double-check your machine’s firewall settings, ensuring all Prerequisites for the DPX Client deployment are met, including the ports allowed.