Oracle Database Restore

Restoring an Oracle database is crucial for recovering data after an incident, ensuring the continuity and integrity of business operations. Catalogic DPX offers a flexible and efficient approach to Oracle database restores, supporting various recovery options to meet your specific needs.

Creating an Oracle DB Restore Job

  1. In the main web interface view, go to Job Manager in the sidebar. Then select the New Restore Job button.

  1. Select Application Restore and Click Next.

  1. The Object to Restore view shows all Application nodes that you backed up. The available objects to restore can be sorted by Name, Type, associated Job Name, or the backup Date/Time. Locate and select the node containing the Oracle DB you want to restore and click Next.

Tip. Restoring an Oracle DB object will include all local volumes referenced by the object, potentially increasing the restore size.

  1. Choose the appropriate recovery point from the available backups of the selected node.

  1. In the File Browsing step, choose the specific databases you wish to restore. DPX allows for granular selection, enabling you to restore individual databases. Select all databases you want to restore and click Next.

When browsing the file tree of a block backup for Oracle DB, you will see two separate directories: Physical View and Logical View. The physical view represents the actual physical implementation of the database on the storage system, while the logical view provides a structured representation of the database objects and their relationships.

  1. In the Options step, specify the Job Name. The name may be up to 64 characters long and may only contain letters, digits and - _ characters.

  2. Specify job options. You can use the following options:

Basic Job Options

Delete the restore job on successful completion

Toggle on

The restore job defined in this process will be deleted upon successful completion. If the job fails, it will not be deleted.

Toggle off

The restore job will be saved and will be accessible later in Job Manager.

Job e-mail notification

Toggle on

The notification is sent as specified below the toggle (additional fields will appear – see below).

Toggle off

The notification is sent to the default e-mail address configured in the Administrator E-mail Settings section.

E-mail Notification Fields


The subject of your message. The subject line usually contains a combination of straight text and variable elements. Variables, which must begin with %, are replaced with actual corresponding values. If you enclose variables in double quotation marks, those variables are treated as literal values. You can embed the following variables:


  • %JOBID


  • %RC

Use %RC to include the return code in the message for this run of the job, when applicable.


The email address of the primary recipient of your message. Only one “To” address is permitted.


Carbon Copy. The email address(es) of the secondary recipient(s) of your message. Use a semicolon to delimit multiple email addresses.


Blind Carbon Copy. The email address(es) of the secondary recipient(s) not identified to other recipients. Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple email addresses.

Note. Note that the following characters are invalid in all fields: < > ; and '.

Note. DPX emailing must be enabled when you first configure your Enterprise. At that time, you supply general system information, including SMTP Host Name and SMTP Port. See the Administrator E-mail Settings section.

Oracle Options

Oracle Restore Mode

When performing Oracle logical view restores, you can choose from the following modes:


This is the default mode. It performs a standard logical view restore.

Clone Database

This mode performs a cloning operation, recovering your backed-up data on an alternate node using Instant Access.

Quick Restore

This mode performs an Instant Access mapping to your backed-up data, allowing for rapid access and recovery.

Oracle Files Quick Restore Root Directory

Specify a complete directory path to be used as the root directory for all mappings during a Quick Restore for Oracle. If this value is not set, it defaults to:

  • For Windows: product-directory/mount/BEXrmancat_jobid/nodename/dbname

  • For UNIX: /tmp/BEXrmancat_jobid/nodename/dbname

Oracle Home

This option is used when cloning Oracle databases. Specify the Oracle_Home on the target node where the cloned database will reside.

Oracle UNIX User Name

When cloning Oracle databases on a UNIX target node, supply the user name of the owner of the Oracle installation on the restore destination node. If this field is not populated, the default value oracle will be used.

Oracle Instance Password

For cloning Oracle databases on a Windows target node, provide a password to create an Oracle instance on the target node. If this field is not populated, the default value sysadmin is used.

Note. The Oracle Instance Password may appear in clear text in certain files and modules. Once cloning is complete, the password must be changed by the user.

Oracle Database Open Option

This option is used with the cloning of Oracle databases. It allows you to control whether the cloned Oracle database should be opened and in what mode. The available options are:

Open Reset Logs

This is the default setting. Opens the Oracle database with the resetlogs option.

Open Read Only

Opens the Oracle database in read-only mode.

Do Not Open

Does not open the Oracle database, which can be useful if further recovery is needed.

See also. To learn more about other available options, see Advanced Job Options.

  1. Click Next. Review the summary of your job and click Save. You will see the Run Job prompt.

  1. Click Yes to run the job immediately, or No if you want to run it later from the Job Manager.