Command Line Update

Note. This method updates the DPX Master Server’s Core, Microservices and Infrastructure. It does not update individual DPX Clients.

This update method is performed by using an ISO image along with the accompanying update script. Both files can be downloaded from the Catalogic MySupport website after logging in with your user credentials.

Important. Before running the DPX update script, take a full VM snapshot of the Catalogic DPX Master Server virtual appliance.

Typically, both files will follow the same naming convention, i.e. dpx-master.core-<core_version_no>.svc-<microservices_version_no>.infra-<insfrastructure_version_no> followed by or -update.iso. In the examples below, for the sake of clarity, they have been renamed to and 4-11-update.iso accordingly.

The procedure described below assumes the and the 4-11-update.iso files are available from within the DPX Master Server machine, in the same location.

  1. Log in to your DPX Master Server via SSH. The login is dpxadmin and the default password is dpxadmin. If you logged into the same Master Server in the past, you may have been forced to change the password. In such case, provide the current password, not the default one.

    PS C:\Users\i_am_the_admin_here> ssh dpxadmin@
    dpxadmin@'s password:
    Last login: Thu Aug 30 12:22:18 2023 from
  2. Use sudo su to gain root user permissions.

  3. Change permissions to the file:

    chmod +x <file_path>/
  4. Call the script, specifying the 4-11-update.iso image file as argument:

     ./ 4-11-update.iso

    The following prompt will appear:

     ==> Log file is in /tmp/3615430.update.log
    Catalogic Software recommends that no backup or recovery jobs are running during the update process and that a full virtual machine snapshot before running the upgrade process is taken. Are no backup or recovery jobs currently running and has a snapshot been taken (Yes/No)?
  5. If you have no jobs running and wish to proceed with the update process, type Yes. The update procedure will start. This process may take a long while to complete. Some progress steps will be printed in the terminal.

  6. Upon completion, the installer will ask if you want to reboot your master server. Select Y to reboot the master server now or N to do it later. This ends the updating procedure. Wait for your updated DPX Master Server to reboot, then you can resume using it.

Last updated