Creating an Agentless VMware Backup Job

  1. In the main web interface view, go to Job Manager in the sidebar. Then select the New Backup Job button in the upper right corner.

  1. Specify the Job Name. For VMware Backup, this field may contain no more than 16 characters. You can also add an optional description (up to 48 characters).

  1. Select Job Type – VMware and the Job Folder to store the job in (see the Job Manager section for more information). By default, all jobs are stored in the SS_DEFAULT job folder.

  2. Click Add Source in the SOURCES pane to specify which volumes you want to back up. The Source selection dialog will appear. Select the desired VMs and click Select.

Tip. You may change the Source tree display mode, using the radio button selection.

  • The VM view provides a list of virtual machines under each datacenter, VMs can also appear under folders on the list.

  • The Host view displays objects at the levels of vCenter, Datacenter, Host, Resource pool, Folder or VM. Objects under an object selected for backup can be excluded.

Tip. Powered-on machines are displayed with green icons, and powered-off machines are displayed with grey icons.

Agentless VMware backup is possible even when the virtual machine is powered off.

Tip. You may view your current selection at any moment, using the Selected Items button next to the search field.

You can clear each item using the “X” symbol next to the item, or clear all items at once using the Clear All button.

  1. Click Set Destination in the DESTINATION pane to specify the destination for the VMware backup. The Destination dialog will appear. Choose the destination for your backup and click Select.

  1. You may also add a schedule in the SCHEDULES pane for the backup to be run regularly. See Scheduling a VMware Backup Job.

  2. If you want to add an Archive backup to your backup job, click Add Archive in the ARCHIVE pane. The Add Archive dialog will appear.

Important. Before using this functionality, read the Archive section in the Backup chapter.

  1. Set advanced options as desired, selecting them from the Advanced Options drop-down at the bottom of the screen (scroll down if necessary).

See also. For more information about VMware backup job options, see the following sections:

  1. Click Save. The job can now be viewed, run, edited or deleted from the Job Manager section.