Configuring Custom SSL Certificates

DPX supports the use of custom SSL certificates to secure the HTTPS connection to the DPX Master Server's web interface. This feature allows administrators to replace the default, auto-generated certificate with their own, enhancing security and meeting specific organizational requirements.

By implementing a custom SSL certificate, you can:

  • Ensure secure communication between users and the DPX Web UI

  • Comply with your organization's security policies

  • Eliminate browser warnings about untrusted certificates


  • A valid SSL certificate and its corresponding private key

  • Access to the DPX Master Server's CLI

  • Permissions to modify system files and restart services

Adding a Custom SSL Certificate

  1. Create KeyStore File: Generate a keystore.jks file containing your SSL certificate and private key.

Attention! The KeyStore password and the private key password must be identical.

  1. Replace Existing KeyStore:

cd /catalogic/services/opt-apigateway

Copy your keystore.jks to this directory, overwriting the existing file.

  1. Update Configuration: Edit the certs.env file in the /catalogic/services directory, modifying the following values:

  • DEST_KEY_STORE_SSL_PASSWORD: Set to your KeyStore password

  • DEST_KEY_STORE_SSL_NAME: Set to the alias of your certificate in the KeyStore

Attention! Ensure that the passwords in the certs.env file match your KeyStore and private key passwords.

  1. Apply Changes: Reboot your machine or restart DPX services using the following command:

sudo systemctl restart dpx-swarm.service


If you encounter issues after implementing your custom certificate:

  • Verify that the KeyStore file is in the correct location and has the proper permissions

  • Check the DPX server logs for any SSL-related errors

Last updated