Configuring Custom SSL Certificates

Note. Custom certificates can only be added through a CLI.

DPX supports the use of custom SSL certificates to secure the HTTPS connection to the DPX Master Server's web interface. This feature allows administrators to replace the default, auto-generated certificate with their own, enhancing security and meeting specific organizational requirements.

By implementing a custom SSL certificate, you can:

  • Ensure secure communication between users and the DPX Web UI

  • Comply with your organization's security policies

  • Eliminate browser warnings about untrusted certificates


  • A valid SSL certificate and its corresponding private key

  • Access to the DPX Master Server's CLI

  • Permissions to modify system files and restart services

Adding a Custom SSL Certificate

  1. Create KeyStore File: Generate a keystore.jks file containing your SSL certificate and private key.

  1. Replace Existing KeyStore:

cd /catalogic/services/opt-apigateway

Copy your keystore.jks to this directory, overwriting the existing file.

  1. Update Configuration: Edit the certs.env file in the /catalogic/services directory, modifying the following values:

  • DEST_KEY_STORE_SSL_PASSWORD: Set to your KeyStore password

  • DEST_KEY_STORE_SSL_NAME: Set to the alias of your certificate in the KeyStore

Note. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to execute these commands.

  1. Apply Changes: Reboot your machine or restart DPX services using the following command:

sudo systemctl restart dpx-swarm.service


If you encounter issues after implementing your custom certificate:

  • Verify that the KeyStore file is in the correct location and has the proper permissions

  • Check the DPX server logs for any SSL-related errors

Last updated