The Catalogic DPX Plug-in for SAP HANA allows you to seamlessly integrate Catalogic DPX with SAP HANA. The use of Catalogic DPX with SAP HANA allows you to maintain existing backup strategies through SAP HANA Studio while minimizing some impacts on the Catalogic DPX performance.

The SAP HANA database administrator uses SAP HANA Studio to back up SAP HANA databases. The Catalogic DPX Master Server user interface may be used to monitor backup or restore jobs but should never be used to initiate backup or restore jobs. Using Catalogic DPX for SAP backups is essentially transparent from the standpoint of the database administrator. The administrator simply starts the backup as they normally would in Studio. The Catalogic DPX Plug-in for SAP HANA tells Catalogic DPX to back up the files specified by SAP HANA Studio.

The Catalogic DPX Plug-in for SAP HANA is easily installed and configured on the SAP HANA system using a dpxhdbinst script located in the /opt/DPX/misc/ directory. This script is available in that location after the Catalogic DPX Client is installed on the SAP HANA system.

Prerequisites for Protecting SAP HANA Application Data

Ensure that the Catalogic DPX and SAP HANA satisfy the following:

  • Usage of the Catalogic DPX Plug-In with SAP HANA has been qualified with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS (Support Pack Stack) 04.

  • Only file level support is available for backup and restore jobs.

Installing the DPX Client for SAP HANA

Before configuring the DPX interface with the SAP HANA node, the DPX client software needs to be installed,

The regular DPX Client software must be installed on the SAP HANA node prior to running the interface installation and configuration script. Follow the steps in this procedure to install the DPX client software on the SAP HANA node.

  1. Log in to the SAP HANA node where the client is to be installed using the secure shell protocol (SSH)

  2. Download or copy the Catalogic DPX Setup installer file to the SAP HANA node noting the location to which the file is downloaded or copied.

  3. Change the permissions of the of the installer file. Substitute the version <x.x.x> in the command with the version of DPX being installed. Issue the following command: # chmod +x DPX-<x.x.x>-linux-x64-installer.bin

  4. Run the installer to launch the Catalogic DPX Setup Wizard. Issue the following command: # ./DPX-<x.x.x>-linux-x64-installer.bin

  5. When prompted, accept the license agreement by pressing Enter and then Y. Subsequently, press Enter.

  6. Specify a directory where to install the DPX client software on the SAP node. The suggested location of /opt/DPX/ is the default and future procedures assume that choice.

  7. For the components to be installed, the client will be installed. Press N for virtualization proxy server. Press Y to indicate that the selection is correct.

  8. When prompted, add the node to the DPX Enterprise. Press 1.

  9. Add the configuration for the node. When prompted enter the following information:

    • Logical node name of the SAP HANA node (the machine where this installation is occurring).

    • The hostname or IP of the SAP HANA node (the machine where this installation is occurring).

    • The Group Name. The default suggestion is DefaultGroup.

    • The hostname or IP of the DPX Master Server.

  10. When prompted to choose an option for enabling Block Data Protection on the node, select No (press 2).

  11. Review the installation directory and master server name. After the information is verified, press Enter. The installation process will begin.

  12. When installation is completed, you will be prompted to review the readme file. Press Y to view the readme. Otherwise, press N to continue without viewing the readme file.

Installing and Configuring the DPX Plugin for SAP HANA

Once the DPX client has been installed on the SAP HANA node, the installation and configuration script must be run to establish the DPX plugin. Backup and restore operations must be orchestrated through SAP HANA Studio and will use DPX.

The DPX Master Server software must be installed and configured in your enterprise.

Ensure that the DPX client software is already installed on the SAP HANA node. For more information, see Installing the DPX client for SAP HANA.

The installation and configuration script must be run using the superuser account (root) on the SAP HANA node.

During the installation portion of the script, a link from the SAP run directory is made to a DPX module in the /opt/DPX/bin directory. Additionally, several DPX files have their permissions modified which are listed during the execution of the script. The database’s current backup or restore behavior is not modified.

During the configuration portion of the script, a DPX parameter file (dpxhdb.utl) is created and the SAP configuration file (global.ini) is modified. The configuration step alters the database’s current backup or restore behavior in that subsequent backup or restore (recovery) of the database will utilize DPX plugin.

Before running the installation and configuration script, ensure that you have the following information available from your environment:

  • The hostname or IP of the DPX Master Server.

  • The username of the DPX administrator account (this will most likely be dpxadmin).

  • The password of the DPX administrator account (this will most likely be the password for dpxadmin).

  • The fully qualified path to the DPX root directory.

  • The logical hostname of the SAP HANA node.

  • The name of the DPX media pool that will be used.

  • The name of the DPX device cluster that will be used as a backup target.

  • The name of the DPX device that will be used as a backup target.

  • The System ID (SID) of the SAP HANA database being installed and configured.


  1. Using the secure shell protocol (SSH), log in to the SAP HANA node host to be interfaced with DPX.

  2. At the command line, navigate to the misc directory: # cd /opt/DPX/misc

  3. Run the installation and configuration script to install the DPX plugin. Issue the following command: # ./dpxhdbinst

    The script may be terminated at any time by entering the word quit.

  4. Enter the DPX Master Server information. When prompted, enter the following:

    • The hostname or IP address of the DPX Master Server.

    • The DPX administrator account username.

    • The DPX administrator account password.

    • The DPX root directory (this will most likely be /opt/DPX/).

  5. Enter the System ID (SID) of the SAP HANA database. This will set the HDBbackint directory to /usr/sap/<xxx>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/, where <xxx> represents the SID of the SAP HANA database to be protected.

  6. Proceed with installation of the DPX plugin, press 1. Installation will create a link and change permissions of three files and one directory as indicated on the screen.

  7. Continue with configuration, press 2.

  8. Enter the configuration information. When prompted enter the following:

    • The logical name of the SAP HANA node.

    • The DPX tape pool to use with the SAP HANA database.

    • The DPX device pool to use with the SAP HANA database.

    • The DPX device to use with the SAP HANA database. During configuration, a template file is edited and copied to /opt/DPX/bin/dpxhdb.utl, a link is created, and the file /usr/sap//SYS/global/hdb/custom/config/global.ini is updated, where is the System ID.

  9. Installation and configuration is complete. Press 3 to exit the script.

SAP HANA Studio Best Practices for DPX Plugin

SAP HANA Studio is a client tool for SAP HANA databases access and management. Databases must be registered and configured through the SAP HANA Studio interface.


To register a database system and verify configuration in SAP HANA Studio, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch SAP HANA Studio.

  2. Click on the Specify System button above the Systems pane. The System window will open.

  3. Enter the following information for Specify System:

    • The SAP HANA node hostname in the Host Name field.

    • Enter an instance number in the Instance Number field.

    • For Mode, select Multiple containers.

    • Leave System database selected.

  1. Click Next. The System window will remain open and Connection Properties is displayed.

  2. Select Authentication by database user.

  3. Enter a database username in the User Name field and the password in the Password field.

  4. Select Enable SAP start service connection.

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Click on the Backup entry in the tree under the SAP HANA database system that was registered in the Systems pane. The Backup SYSTEMDB@<xxx> (SYSTEM) pane will open, where <xxx> is the Security ID.

  7. Click on the Configuration tab. Expand Backint Settings.

  8. Verify that Backint Agent is set to /opt/DPX/bin/dpxhdb.

  9. Verify that Backint Parameter File has the proper path set to /usr/sap/<xxx>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/dpxhdb.utl, where <xxx> is the Security ID of the SAP HANA database.

  10. In the Log Backup Setting section, ensure that Backint is selected for Destination Type.

The SAP HANA database system is now registered in SAP HANA Studio.

Running a Backup Job with SAP HANA Studio

There are two options for initiating a backup job with SAP HANA Studio, using the backup wizard, or backing up a tenant database.

Backing up with the Backup Wizard

  1. In the Systems pane, click on the Backup entry in tree under a SAP HANA database system that is registered and configured. The Backup SYSTEMDB@<xxx> (SYSTEM) pane will open, where <xxx> is the System ID.

  2. Click on the Open Backup Wizard button on the Overview tab.

  3. In the Specify Backup Settings window, for Backup Type, select Complete Data Backup, Differential Backup, or Incremental Backup.

  4. Select Backint for Destination Type.

  5. Enter a Backup Prefix for the job.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Review the backup job settings on the Review Backup Settings pane.

  8. Click Finish to begin the backup job.

Backing up the Tenant Database

  1. In the Systems pane, right-click on the Backup entry in tree under a SAP HANA database system that is registered and configured. The Backup SYSTEMDB@<xxx> (SYSTEM) pane will open, where <xxx> is the System ID.

  2. Select Back Up Tenant Database. The Specify tenant database will open.

  3. Select the database to be protected and click Next.

  4. In the Specify Backup Settings window, for Backup Type, select Complete Data Backup, Differential Backup, or Incremental Backup.

  5. Select Backint for Destination Type.

  6. Enter a Backup Prefix for the job.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Review the backup job settings on the Review Backup Settings pane.

  9. Click Finish to begin the backup job.

The backup job will begin. To monitor the results of a backup job, click on the Backup entry in the tree under a SAP HANA database that is running or has completed a previous backup job on the Systems pane. Click the Backup Catalog tab to view job information.

Running a Restore (Recovery) Job with SAP HANA Studio

SAP HANA Studio is used to initiate backup and restore (recovery) jobs. The DPX plugin may be used to monitor the progress of jobs but should never be used to initiate backup or restore jobs.

  1. Right-click the SAP HANA system and select Backup and Recovery.

  2. Select Recover System Database or Recover Tenant Database. Select the SAP HANA system database or tenant database.

  3. Click Next. The Specify Recovery Type dialog will appear.

  4. Specify the recovery type. For example, if performing a point-in-time (PIT) recovery, select Recover the database to the following point in time. Enter a Date, a Time, and select the time zone from the Select Time Zone selection field.

  1. Click Next. The Locate Backup Catalog dialog will appear.

  2. Select Recover using the backup catalog and Search for the backup catalog in Backint only.

  3. Click Next. The Select a Backup dialog will appear.

  4. Select the desired backup. For example, if PIT was selected, select a backup based on the Start Time that is marked as Available. If you do not see the backup listed, click the Refresh button or the Show More button if several backups are listed.

  5. Click Next. The Locate Log Backups dialog will appear.

  6. Click Next. The Other Settings dialog will appear. Ensure File System, Third-Party Backup Tool (Backint), and Use Delta Backups (Recommended) is selected.

  7. Click Next. The Review Recovery Settings dialog will appear. Review the selections and click Back if any revisions are necessary.

  8. Click Finish. The Recovery Execution Summary will appear.

  9. Click Close.

Last updated