Job Source Options for NDMP Backup

To access the job source options, do the following:

  1. Go to the Backup tab.

  2. In the Backup Modes section, select File.

  3. Open an already existing backup job. Or go directly to step 4 to set source options for the new job you will be defining directly afterward.

  4. Go to the Other Tasks section in the task panel (scroll down if necessary) and select Set Source Options. The Set Job Source Options dialog will appear.

The Set Job Source Options dialog allows you to set options related to backup sources. This section provides an explanation of each field in the dialog and the available choices.

The Source tab

Down Node Retries

Controls how DPX behaves when it cannot establish contact with a node during a backup operation. If you enter zero, DPX skips unreachable nodes. If you enter a number, DPX waits until all the reachable nodes have been backed up and then retries the nodes that it could not back up on its first attempt. The number you enter determines how many times DPX tries to reach unreachable nodes.

Task Retry Intervals (Minutes)

Determines how long to wait before retrying failed tasks.

When a task fails (due to permission problems, open files, interim job changes, etc.), it waits the number of minutes specified in this field before attempting that task again. Because the same failure might occur if the task is retried too soon, it is better to allow some time for an error to be corrected before retrying the task. A task is only retried once. Failing tasks appear in error message lists in the Job Log. All tasks are subject to retry.

NDMP File History Handling

Controls file history generation for NDMP and Block backup tasks.

For information on using Instant Access for file-level restore, see Instant Access as a File History Alternative in the DPX 4.9 User’s Guide.

Disable File History

Disables NDMP server file history generation.

Process File History on Local Client

Enables NDMP server file history generation and processes the file history data on the NDMP client node. This is the default.

Process File History on Master Server Appliance

Enables NDMP server file history generation but transmits the file history data to the master server node for processing.

Enable NDMP Server Logging

Controls the routing of NDMP server-generated log messages to the job log file.


All NDMP server log messages will be routed to the master server’s job log file. Yes is the default.


The NDMP server log messages will be logged locally in the NDMP client node log file instead of in the master server’s job log file.

Additional NDMP Environment

This option allows you to introduce any additional NDMP environment variables that are necessary for the backup task. Specify your environment variables as an ASCII string with an environment variable name and value pairs using the following syntax:


Note. Syntax validation is not performed on the specified value at job definition time, but rather at run time. Only valid entries are added to the NDMP operation environment.

Note. Alternative syntax, e.g. env1name value;env2name value;... (semicolon-delimited, no equal sign) or env1name valueenv2name value... (no delimiter, no equal sign) may be displayed in the interface. However, for the sake of clarity, the env1name=value,env2name=value,... version is strongly recommended.

Attention! Do not specify any of the following NDMP environment variables in your variable string because DPX controls these specifically:








  • HIST





  • TYPE



Specifying the variables above may cause unexpected results due to the unpredictability of the order in which they are evaluated.

NDMP servers from different vendors may support different NDMP environment variables. Except for a few well-known environment variable names, there is currently no standardized set of such variables. This option allows you to add environmental variables specific to your NDMP server.

The Script tab

Pre-Job Script

Enter the name of a script to execute prior to the actual job.

Basic usage: <script>@<node_name> <argument_list>

If Pre-Script fails

The action be taken if the Pre-Job Script fails to successfully complete:

  • Run Job/Run Post-Job Script

  • Skip Job/Run Post-Job Script

  • Skip Job/Skip Post-Job Script

If Job fails

The action to be taken if the Job fails to successfully complete:

  • Run Post-Job Script

  • Skip Post-Job Script

Post-Job Script

Enter the name of a script to execute after the actual job.

Basic usage: <script>@<node_name> <argument_list>

See also. For detailed information about pre- and post-job scripts, including all valid definitions, see Pre-Scripts and Post-Scripts.

Last updated