Block Restore Job Options

Take the following steps to set restore source options:

  1. Open the Restore Source Options dialog box from the Block Restore window. From the task panel, click Set Source Options. The Restore Source Options dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the Restore Source Options dialog box as needed.

You can use the following Define Job Source Options:

Pre-Job Script

Enter the name of a script to execute prior to the actual job.

If Pre-Script fails

The action to take if the Pre-Job Script fails to complete.

If Job fails

The action to take if the Job fails to complete.

Post-Job Script

Enter the name of a script to execute after the actual job.

Data Transfer Auto Cancel Interval (Minutes)

This option comes into play if a job does not get an indication of “active” status during the data transfer phase of the job. Catalogic DPX initiates job cancellation after this interval, in minutes, has lapsed.

AWS Glacier Expedited Retrieval

Beginning from Version 4.8.1, you can select the archive retrieval option for Amazon S3 Glacier from either "Standard" or "Expedited". Leave this option No for the Standard retrieval archive mode. Or, select Yes to enable the Expedited retrieval archive mode.

Last updated