Updating DPX

The DPX environment consists of several elements, each requiring periodical updates:

  1. DPX Master Server

    • Core (the underlayer and the desktop interface)

    • Microservices (the web interface with its unique functionalities)

    • Infrastructure (the operating system of the machine where DPX is installed)

  2. DPX Clients and DPX Proxies

    • DPX agents installed on virtual or physical machines

  3. Storages

    • Third-party software of virtual or physical storages used for storing DPX backups. This software is updated using dedicated third-party tools (not covered in this section – please refer to the particular solution’s documentation).

Note. The recommended update scenario consists of two steps:

  1. Updating the DPX Master Server using Command Line Update.

  2. Updating DPX Clients and Proxies using the Autoupdate Method.

It is also possible to update each Client and Proxy individually by downloading dedicated .jar files, however this scenario is not recommended.

If in doubt, contact the Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support team.

Important. To update your DPX environment to the 4.11 version, you need to have any version of DPX 4.10 installed. Updating from previous versions requires installing certain versions in between, e.g. for version 4.8.0, you first need to update DPX Master Server to 4.8.1, then update all Clients and Proxies to 4.8.1. Only then you can proceed with updating the entire environment to any version of 4.9 (4.9.2 is recommended). From then, proceed with updating the environment to 4.10 and then to the latest 4.11 version as described herein.

Updating Catalogic DPX requires the following steps:

Step 1. Command-line update

Note. This step updates the DPX Master Server’s Core, Microservices and Infrastructure. It does not update individual DPX Clients or Proxies.

In this method, the user copies update files to the designated directory of the DPX Master Server and invokes the software update from the shell. Follow the instructions in Command Line Update.

Step 2. Autoupdate

Warning! This step updates the DPX Clients and Proxies. If you skip Step 1, it will also update the DPX Master Server’s Core but not the Microservices or Infrastructure. This may lead to unexpected results.

Note. Autoupdate is currently only supported through the desktop interface.

This step can be performed in either of two manners: as online autoupdate or offline autoupdate.

With the Online Autoupdate method, the DPX Master Server automatically downloads the latest update package files and sends them to the Clients for automatic update. This method requires Internet access for the DPX Master Server. Follow the instructions in Online Update Method.

The Offline Autoupdate method does not require Internet access for the DPX Master Server. Instead, manually copy the update package files to the designated directory (or “repository”) on the DPX Master Server – typically by using an SCP client on your workstation. Then install and update the package files. Follow the instructions in Offline Update Method.

Last updated