Collecting Logs

There are several ways to generate log files from the Catalogic DPX environment. You can use either of the graphical interfaces or one of the built-in utilities available through SSH.

Note. The main purpose of collecting logs is to help diagnose issues, improve performance, and ensure system security. Logs provide valuable insights into the application’s behavior, allowing us to enhance user experience and maintain reliable service.

We recommend using log-collecting utilities upon request of the Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support team.

Take the following steps to collect job logs from Catalogic DPX:

  1. Go to the Job Monitor section.

  2. In the job list, click More Actions ⋯ next to the job whose logs you want to collect and select either one of the following items:

    • Run instance log collection Download a job log of the selected job. The log file is compressed and archived in .ZIP format. The .ZIP file name is instance-log-collection_<job_name>.zip.

    • Run job log collection Download a collection of all jobs in the entire Catalogic DPX. The log file is compressed and archived in .TAR and .ZIP format. The .ZIP file name is job-collection-<job_name>.zip. Typically, this task takes a few minutes to complete.