Adding an S3 Object Storage Node

S3-compatible object storages are cloud storage services modeled after Amazon S3’s (Simple Storage Service) architecture and API. An S3-compatible solution organizes data in buckets (similar to folders) containing objects (files), where each object is assigned a unique key within a bucket.

Restrictions. S3 Object Storage backup and restore features are only supported in the web interface. The desktop interface does not allow for handling S3 Object Storage nodes and such nodes will not be visible in the desktop interface.

Importing an S3 Object Storage Server Certificate

A trusted certificate is required for the master server to securely communicate with the S3 object storage server. Unencrypted communication is not supported.

If the S3 object storage server is signed by a recognized signing authority, importing the certificate to the DPX master server is not necessary. However, if the certificate is not signed, you will need to import it manually to the master server and add it to the list of trusted certificates. An untrusted certificate will result in a connection error when attempting to add the S3 Object Storage node.

The procedure below describes importing the node’s certificate to the master server. In Catalogic DPX 4.12, this must be done via SSH.

  1. Import the S3 Object Storage server certificate to the DPX Master Server. The certificate must be in .pem or .crt format).

  2. Connect to the master server via SSH. For more information, see Connecting to DPX Master Server via SSH.

  3. Copy or move the certificate file to the /catalogic/trusted_certs directory.

  4. Restart the DPX Swarm service, using the following command: systemctl restart dpx-swarm. It may take a few minutes for all containers to be up and running.

  5. Reload your master server’s web interface and clear cache. If the web interface is accessible, it means all services are available again. You can now continue adding your S3 Object Storage node to the DPX Master Server.

Adding a Node

The procedure below describes adding an S3 Object Storage as a node to the DPX Master Server.

  1. Open the DPX Master Server web interface in a web browser.

  2. In the left-hand side menu pane, go to the Nodes section.

  3. Click the Add Node button in the upper right corner to open the Add Node dialog.

  1. Select S3 Object Storage as Type and specify the name for the new node (it must be unique throughout the Enterprise). Select Group Name for the node (or leave default). Specify the Endpoint, Access Key and Secret Key to access the S3 object. S3-compatible storages require that the region name be provided. For details on region-setting conventions, refer to your S3 provider’s documentation.

Important. The Bucket Addressing Style section refers to how resources in an S3-compatible object storage are accessed based on the bucket name location in the URL.

AWS recommends Virtual host-style, while path-style is considered deprecated. However, some S3-compatible object storage providers may such as DataCore may require path-style addressing. See your S3 provider’s documentation for details.

Note. S3-compatible storage credential names may vary from provider to provider. The Access Key may also be called Access Key ID, Storage Account Name, Key ID or otherwise, whereas the Secret Key may also be called Secret Access Key, Account Access Key, Secret Key or Application Key.

  1. Click Test to ensure the credentials are valid and the endpoint is reachable from the Master Server. A toast notification will confirm the test results.

  1. Click Save. The node is now added to the Master Server and is visible in the nodes list.

See also. For more general information about nodes, see Nodes.

Last updated