NetApp SnapVault Management Restore

Take the following steps to restore the NetApp SnapVault Management:

  1. Log in to the Java-based DPX Management Interface. Open the Restore tab in the Function tab bar.

  2. From the task pane, open Block.

  3. The restore sources are the backup instances on the SnapVault secondary systems, represented by the node group tree structure. The restore destinations are SnapVault primary systems.

  4. For the NetApp SnapVault Management restores you can select to restore data to file-level granularity.

  5. Define a SnapVault restore job as described in Creating a Block Restore Job.

Restoring to a Primary Storage System

Data backed up from a primary storage system with SnapVault Management backup can only be restored to a NetApp storage system. You can restore to the file level.

On the Block Restore window, qtrees appear in the source pane as volumes with the qtree name in the path (for example, /vol/vol1/qtree).

Selecting a SnapVault Restore Destination

In the restore destination tree, you can drill down to view the contents of a volume. Note that drilling down in the restore destination tree is not the same as selecting a destination. That is, you may be able to expand the tree but not necessarily select all levels that are viewable.

  • If restoring a qtree to a storage system, specify the name of a qtree that does not exist on the volume to which you are restoring. SnapVault will create the qtree automatically, as described in the procedure below. If you want to restore data to its original location, delete the qtree with that name on the primary storage system first. Use SnapVault to create a new qtree, as described in the procedure below.

  • If restoring a directory or file to a storage system, specify a destination directory, which may or may not exist, as described in the procedure below.

  • If restoring to an open system, specify the name of a destination directory, which may or may not exist, as described in the procedure below.

To specify a destination directory or qtree that does not exist:

The following example procedure creates a new directory in an open system; the same procedure is used to create a new directory or qtree on a NetApp storage system:

  1. Right-click the volume or directory in the destination tree to which you want to add the new directory. A context menu appears.

  2. Select Create New Directory from the context menu. The Define Target Directory dialog box appears. Enter the name of your new directory (or qtree) and click OK. Note that slashes are not supported.

Repeat these steps as necessary to create the desired directory structure. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create embedded new directories.

Scheduling a SnapVault Restore

For a detailed description of restore scheduling, see Scheduling a Restore Job in the Desktop Interface.

Note that for SnapVault Management jobs, the status of a job must be Waiting before you can suspend it.