Job Status and Available Actions

You can use the job list to take actions, such as starting a new job, releasing a held job, or resuming a suspended job, depending on the job status.

You can check the status for each job in either of the DPX interfaces:

Web interface:

From the navigation pane, go to Job Monitor. You can see the job list with the Status column.

Desktop interface:

From the Functions Bar, open the Monitor Jobs Tab. You can see the job list with the Status column.

The following table outlines the job status and typical actions available:


You can force a job to begin by selecting the job or jobs you want to start, then select Start or Resume job. The job status changes to Running.



You can resume a job by selecting the job or jobs you want to resume, then selecting Start or Resume job. If the job was running when it was suspended, the job status changes to Running. If the job was waiting when it was suspended, the job status changes to Waiting.

Completed or Failed

You can create and run a new instance of the job by selecting the job or jobs you want to restart, and then selecting Start or Resume job. The job status of the new job changes to Waiting and then Running.

Suspending Jobs

Prerequisites for suspending jobs

  • The job status must be Running or Waiting;

  • A running Block backup job cannot be suspended;

  • You can only suspend the instance of a job that appears in the job list of the Job Monitor or Monitor Jobs tab;

  • The job will be suspended only after the current task within this job is completed.

Restrictions. The suspend job functionality is not supported for VMware agentless backup jobs.

Perform the following steps to suspend a scheduled job:

  1. Go to Job Monitor.

  2. Select the job you want to suspend.

  3. Right-click the job record or click the More Actions ⋯ button and select Suspend.

Alternatively, you can hold scheduled jobs in the Schedule Overview section:

  1. Go to Schedule Overview.

  2. Hover your mouse over the scheduled job you want to hold, then select Actions > Suspend.

When the job is suspended, the job status changes to Suspended.

Canceling Jobs

You can cancel jobs whose status is Running, Suspended or Waiting.

To cancel one or more jobs:

  1. Go to Job Monitor.

  2. Select the job you want to cancel.

  3. Right-click the job record or click the More Actions ⋯ button and select Cancel.

Alternatively, you can cancel scheduled jobs in the Schedule Overview section:

  1. Go to Schedule Overview.

  2. Hover your mouse over the scheduled job you want to hold, then select Actions > Cancel.

Holding and Releasing Scheduled Jobs

You can hold scheduled jobs and prevent these from running, and release the held jobs to reactivate the schedule.


You can hold all future scheduled instances of a defined job from running until you are ready for the job to proceed. The jobs to hold must meet the following prerequisites:

  • The job definition must be in the Catalog and scheduled;

  • The job type must be one that you can create in the user interface;

  • You cannot hold a DAILY_SCHED job.

Attention! Modifying and resaving a held job releases the Hold. To hold a resaved job, you must select and put it on Hold again.

Holding Scheduled Jobs

Perform the following steps to hold a scheduled job:

  1. Go to Job Monitor.

  2. Select the job you want to hold.

  3. Right-click the job record or click the More Actions ⋯ button and select Hold all instances.

Alternatively, you can hold scheduled jobs in the Schedule Overview section:

  1. Go to Schedule Overview.

  2. Hover your mouse over the scheduled job you want to hold, then select Actions > Hold all instances.

Releasing Scheduled Jobs

Perform the following steps to release a held scheduled job:

  1. Go to Job Monitor.

  2. Select the job you want to release.

  3. Right-click the job record or click the More Actions ⋯ button and select Release.

Alternatively, you can hold scheduled jobs in the Schedule Overview section:

  1. Go to Schedule Overview.

  2. Hover your mouse over the scheduled job you want to hold, then select Actions > Release.