VMs Unable to Power On after Full or Instant VM Restore
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When performing a full or instant VM restore, the VM hardware version in the target vCenter is set to the vCenter’s default value, which may prevent the VM from starting. You may use Multi-VM Restore in the web interface to avoid this issue.
Another workaround is to restore your virtual machine with full or instant VM restore and change the machine’s settings in the vCenter.
Log in to the target vCenter and locate the restored virtual machine.
Right-click the restored VM’s name to open the context menu.
Select Compatibility > Upgrade VM Compatibility….
Confirm your decision in the VM Compatibility Upgrade dialog.
Select your preferred compatibility setting for the virtual machine. If in doubt, refer to the vSphere documentation.
Power on the virtual machine.
Contact the Catalogic Software Data Protection Technical Support team if the issue persists.