Note. You can also perform the same action thanks to the CLI interface: .
Node configurations are groups of settings assignable to a set of nodes. This is so that you don't have to change them on every node separately.
Node Configurations from previous versions (4.2 and lower) have been migrated to new node configurations in a way that every node will have its own corresponding node configuration. The old configurations have been preserved in the system.
The task-to-node assignment will be executed via the task's hypervisor/hypervisor manager/storage provider/application/cloud related to the node configuration where the system will decide on the specific node assigned to the aforementioned configuration responsible for executing the task.
- unique name identifying the configuration
Set as default
- set default configuration to be assigned to new nodes
Export path (staging space)
- staging path (must be owned by the vprotect
Restore path for import tasks
- in rare cases, you may want to restore backups to a custom location within the node before the import process begins
Restore path for mount tasks
- in rare cases, you may want to restore backups to a custom location within the node before the mounting process begins
Min. free space for export [%]
- the amount of storage space left in order to force a node to wait before starting another export task
Max. allowed backup timestamp difference [s]
- maximum time difference between the timestamp of a backup in vPlus and the backup destination in order to match the local version of the backup with the remote one
Minimal free space for snapshot [GB]
- the amount of storage space left in order to force a node to wait before starting another task
Minimal free space for snapshot [%]
- the amount of storage space left in order to force a node to wait before starting another task
Dynamically attached disks slot offset
- this setting forces a shift of a disk slot number that the node reads/writes from when the disk-attachment method is used - currently used in the Nutanix disk-attachment method when you have block devices not reported by the hypervisor API, such as iSCSI mounted block devices. When set to 0, vPlus will mount drives just after the last occupied (and reported by the hypervisor API) slot (which means that block device number 3 in API will be /dev/sdc in OS). In general, N means that vPlus will shift N slots, so 1 will make the 3rd device be treated as the 4th in OS /dev/sdd)
Netcat min. port
- min. Netcat port range
Netcat max. port
- max. Netcat port range
Number of netcat transfer attempts
- maximum number of attempts
BZIP2 Compression
- compress backup files with bzip2
Inventory synchronization timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of the start window for index tasks
Maximum number of export threads
- max. number of export tasks per node (total)
Maximum export threads per source (HV or HVM)
- max. number of export tasks per node and per HV/HVM
Export task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of the start window for export tasks
Maximum number of store threads
- max. number of store tasks per node
Store task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of the start window for store tasks
Old backups removal task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of start window for old backup removal tasks
Maximum number of restore threads
- max. number of restore tasks per node (total)
Restore task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of start window for restore tasks
Maximum number of import threads
- max. number of import tasks per node (total)
Import task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of the start window for import tasks
Old snapshot removal task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of start window for old snapshot removal tasks
Snapshot reversion task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of start window for snapshot reversion tasks
Mount task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of start window for mount tasks
Unmount task timeout (start window length) [min]
- default length of the start window for unmounting tasks
This section is used to add/remove backup destinations to the nodes using this configuration. Only backup destinations enabled here can be used by the nodes.
Fill in the indicated fields:
Host - IP address of the Windows host where cloud2pst converter is installed
User - Windows host user
Password - Windows host user password
This section is used to provide connection details to the Windows Helper Host, which is used to export to PST. You can find more information about requirements for Export to PST .