Job Source Options for Agentless VMware Backup

Catalogic DPX offers a variety of job options for Agentless VMware backup. All of them are available from both interfaces, but the access thereto may differ. See details for each interface below.

In the web interface, backup source job options are defined in the Advanced Options section. To access them, do the following:

  1. Go to Job Manager in the sidebar.

  2. Open an already existing backup job. Or create a new VMware backup job, by clicking the New Backup Job button in the upper right corner and then selecting Backup Type VMware.

  3. Go to the Advanced Options section at the bottom (scroll down if necessary) and expand it. Click any of the following section headers to expand it. Each field and the available choices are explained below.

Report Job Failed if VM/VMDK is Skipped toggle

This option specifies how the job status is reported in cases where unsupported VMs or VMDKs are skipped.

Toggle on

Backup job is reported as failed if a VM or VMDK is skipped because it is not supported.

Toggle off

Backup job succeeds with warning messages if unsupported VMs or VMDKs are encountered.

Use SSL Encryption toggle

Use this option to configure the SSL encryption.

Toggle on

DPX reads data from the ESX server using SSL encryption. Data written to secondary storage is not encrypted.

Toggle off

DPX does not read data from the VMware ESXi server using SSL encryption.

Quiesce VM file system and applications toggle

Use this option to quiesce VMs during the backup job.

Toggle on

DPX quiesces the file system and applications on the source VM.

Toggle off

DPX backs up the VM while it is running.

Include VMs with a DPX client installed toggle

Use this option to include VMs that have the Catalogic DPX Client.

Toggle on

DPX performs an agentless backup of VMs that contain a DPX client installation.

Toggle off

DPX skips VMs that have the Catalogic DPX Client.

Running the Agentless VMware Backup Job

You can save the Agentless VMware Backup job configurations, reuse and run the saved backup jobs.

Last updated