How to Enable vPlus DEBUG Mode

Quite often, support will ask for debug logs for more in-depth troubleshooting. In order to do that, follow the steps below.

vPlus Node

  1. Edit /opt/vprotect/log4j2-node.xml change INFO to DEBUG in <Property name="logLevel">...</Property> tag

  2. Restart vPlus-node service:

    systemctl restart vprotect-node
  3. Proceed with operations that need to be logged.

  4. Then collect logs from /opt/vprotect/logs/<NODE_NAME> directory.

vPlus Server

  1. Edit /opt/vprotect/log4j2-server.xml change INFO to DEBUG in <Root level="..."> tag

  2. Restart vPlus-server service:

    systemctl restart vprotect-server
  3. Proceed with operations that need to be logged.

  4. Then collect logs from /opt/vprotect/logs/api and /opt/vprotect/logs/appserver directories.

vPlus Cloud Agent

  1. Edit /opt/vprotect/cloudagent/AgentConfig.json file (on the node system) and add below line to the “logs” section:

    "level": "DEBUG"
  2. The file should look like that, after the changes:

      "agent": {
        "logs": {
          "path": "../logs/cloudagent",
          "level": "DEBUG"
      "server": {
        "address": "localhost:8383"
  3. Restart vPlus-node service:

    systemctl restart vprotect-node
  4. Proceed with operations that need to be logged.

  5. Then collect logs from /opt/vprotect/logs/cloudagent directory.

Tape manager

  1. Edit /opt/vprotect/config/ file on the host where tape manager is installed. Change quarkus.log.level parameter to DEBUG:

  2. The file should look like that, after the changes:

  3. Restart sbr-tape-manager service:

    systemctl restart sbr-tape-manager
  4. You can find logs in /opt/vprotect/logs/tm directory.

Last updated