Huawei OceanProtect

Create DataTurbo user

  1. Go to Services -> vStore Service -> vStores

  2. Select vStore -> Create new user with role "vStore DataTurbo administrator"

Create logical port

  1. Go to Services -> Network -> Logical Ports

  2. Create new logical port

  3. Settings for NFS

  4. Settings for DataTurbo

Create Filesystem

  1. Go to Services -> File Service -> File Systems

  2. Create new file system

    • Fill:

      • Name

      • Capacity

      • Application Type

    • With NFS, and DataTurbo share

  3. On NFS share modify settings:

  4. In permissions add new client, or modify existing:

    • Client - * , or IP of vPlus node machine

    • root Permission Constraint - no_root_squash

  5. Save settings and modify DataTurbo share:

  6. In Permissions add user to share:

Mount NFS share

  1. In vPlus Node, mount NFS share which was created in previous step:

    mount OceanProtectIP:/vPlus /vprotect_data
  2. Go to the Create File System Backup Destination section to learn how to create backup destination.

Mount DataTurbo share

Note. DataTurbo share is possible for mounting only in CentOS/Red Hat 7.

  1. Install DataTurbo package in vPlus Node:

    cd OceanStor_DataTurbo_1.0.0_Linux/
    chmod a+x
    cd OceanStor_DataTurbo_1.0.0_Linux/
    chmod a+x
    <!-- Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
    begin to create dufault user[dataturbo] and group[dataturbo] ......
    Updating / installing...
       1:dataturbo-1.0.0-202211151736     ################################# [100%]
    The DataTurbo client supports three performance levels: high, medium, and low. A higher level consumes more memory and CPU, you can use cgroup
    command to limit the CPU usage of the DataTurbo process. The current remaining memory of the system is 4 GB. You are advised to select
    level 1(recommended) or lower. If the level selection process stops abnormally, the recommended level will be used.
    <0>--Select Default Level. The recommended level will be used.
    <1>--Select Low Level. It is estimated that at most 4 GB memory is consumed.
    <2>--Select Medium Level. It is estimated that at most 6 GB memory is consumed.
    <3>--Select High Level. It is estimated that at most 12 GB memory is consumed.
    please input your selection:0
    your selection is [0]
    install dataturbo succeed. -->
  2. Start DataTurbo service

    systemctl start dataturbo
    systemctl start dataturbo
    systemctl status dataturbo
    <!--  dataturbo.service - dataturbo
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dataturbo.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since śro 2023-01-25 15:32:21 CET; 4s ago
    Process: 18488 ExecStart=/opt/oceanstor/dataturbo/script/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 18558 (dpc)
       Tasks: 95 (limit: 65535)
       CGroup: /system.slice/dataturbo.service
             └─18558 /opt/oceanstor/dataturbo/bin/dpc
    sty 25 15:32:20 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting dataturbo...
    sty 25 15:32:21 localhost.localdomain su[18660]: (to dataturbo) root on none
    sty 25 15:32:21 localhost.localdomain su[18751]: (to dataturbo) root on none
    sty 25 15:32:21 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started dataturbo. -->
  3. Create DataTurbo storage object, with DataTurbo user

    dataturbo create storage_object storage_name=vPlus ip_list=OceanProtectIP
    [root@localhost ~]# dataturbo create storage_object storage_name=vPlus ip_list=
    Please input username:
    Please input password:
    Create storage object successfully.
  4. Check if storage is created

    dataturbo show storage_object
    dataturbo show storage_object
    <!-- Storage Name:	vPlus
    User        :	vplus
    Ips         :
    IpPair      :
    ID	Local Address		Remote Address		Status
    1		Normal -->
  5. Create mount directory, and mount DataTurbo share

    mkdir /vprotect_data
    dataturbo mount storage_object storage_name=vPlus filesystem_name=/vPlus mount_dir=/vprotect_data
  6. Check if share is mounted:

    df -hT
    <!-- Filesystem              Type            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    devtmpfs                devtmpfs        2,6G     0  2,6G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                   tmpfs           2,6G  8,0K  2,6G   1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                   tmpfs           2,6G  8,7M  2,6G   1% /run
    tmpfs                   tmpfs           2,6G     0  2,6G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/mapper/centos-root xfs              17G  1,7G   16G  10% /
    /dev/sda1               xfs            1014M  181M  834M  18% /boot
    tmpfs                   tmpfs           523M     0  523M   0% /run/user/0
    tmpfs                   tmpfs           523M     0  523M   0% /run/user/1000
    /vPlus               fuse.dataturbo  8,0T     0  8,0T   0% /vprotect_data -->
  7. Grant privileges for vprotect user

    chown vprotect:vprotect -R /vprotect_data

Create File System Backup Destination

Note. Only regular File System Backup Destination is currently available.

  1. Go to Backup Destinations.

  2. Click on Create Backup Destination, choose a File system.

  3. Type the name for the new backup destination and select at least one node configuration.

  4. In Storage paths type /vprotect_data/backups, where you point to a subdirectory in your staging space, where vPlus will store the backups.

  5. Save the configuration.

Last updated