Every node provides CLI that can be used to manage configuration and invoke tasks on vPlus Node. All of the commands are executed using vprotect command. The general syntax is as shown below:
# usage: vprotect <COMMAND> -<ARG_1> ... -<ARG_N>
# COMMAND is one of the following:
# node Node management
# config Node configuration management
# hv Hypervisor management
# hvm Hypervisor manager management
# hc Hypervisor cluster management
# hs Hypervisor storage management
# vm Virtual machine management
# vmpolicy VM backup policy management
# bd Backup destination management
# sched Schedule management
# brvm VM backup & restore
# st Storage management
# stpool Storage pool management
# stprovider Storage provider management
# brapp Application backup & restore
# mnt Mounted backup management
# task Task management
# login User login
# logout Node and user logout
# stop Safely stops node
# vm-snappolicy Snapshot policy management for VMs
# storage-snappolicy Snapshot policy management for storages
# app Application backup management
# appconf App command execution management
# apppolicy Application backup policy management
# restorejob Restore jobs
# recplan Recovery plan policies
# brst Storage backup & restore
# quota Quota management
# project Project management
# user User management
# rbac Rbac management
# role AppUser Role management
# group AppUser Group management
# status Shows node status
# start Starts node
Starting and stopping node
To check if vPlus Node is running, run:
systemctl status vprotect-node
vprotect status
To start vPlus Node run:
systemctl start vprotect-node
vprotect start
To safely stop vPlus Node (this command waits for all tasks to be canceled, so that temporary objects are cleaned up) run:
systemctl stop vprotect-node
vprotect stop
In emergency cases you may need to kill the engine without task clean up - get PID of the node by running:
vprotect status
and kill process using:
kill <PID>
User login
To log in to CLI use the following command:
vprotect login -u USER_NAME
where USER_NAME is your admin account in vPlus. You will be prompted for a password. From this moment you are able to execute commands.
Once you completed working with CLI, you can log out by running:
vprotect logout -u
Note about GUIDs
All of the commands require GUID of the object that you want to refer to in the command. GUID is found in the first column of typical list command, e.g.:
Let's list VMs and get VM GUID:
vprotect vm -l
<!-- GUID Name Hypervisor Present VM group Protected Last backup
------------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------------------- ------- ----------- --------- ----------------------
b2555a74-97bb-44e4-9c68-ed1ac2ddffcd Windows 7 (32-bit) xcp-ng.vplus.local true PM-T1_Group false 2020-06-03 00:30 (Tue) -->
Now let's show details of the VM:
vprotect vm -g b2555a74-97bb-44e4-9c68-ed1ac2ddffcd
<!-- Property Value
-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
GUID b2555a74-97bb-44e4-9c68-ed1ac2ddffcd
Name Windows 7 (32-bit)
UUID 9a486d85-c5c6-868b-50f4-3b27f4e4f968
Present true
HVM type -
Inc. backup snapshot Windows 7 (32-bit): 2020-06-15 19:10:22.0 (6626e7d9-0900-4bfa-a961-85f5379b48d4)
Tags [vPro-Citrix]
Hypervisor (1048d561-b0f5-4f1d-b558-856b28e0283e)
HV manager -
Backups 29
VM backup policies Citrix Hypervisor | XCP-ng (1f02821f-75f9-433f-9698-5694f130e1df)
Protected true
Last backup 2020-06-15 19:10 (Mon)
Warnings present true
VM export/import mode INHERIT
Quiesce/freeze before snapshot false
SSH host -
SSH port 22
SSH user -
SSH key path -
Pre-snapshot CMD exec. enabled false
Pre-snapshot CMD []
Post-snapshot CMD exec. enabled false
Post-snapshot CMD []
Pre-snapshot ignored exit codes -
Pre-snapshot standard error output handling DONT_IGNORE
Post-snapshot ignored exit codes -
Post-snapshot standard error output handling DONT_IGNORE -->
Note. UUID is the ID used by the hypervisor or HV manager, while GUID is the ID used by vPlus to uniquely identify objects.
Node GUID can be replaced by this keyword to state that action such as restore or mount is going to be run on the node where the command is executed from. For instance, to restore or backup with given GUID on current node to /vprotect_data:
vprotect br -r 2132182d-e9ab-4478-a1db-48222b0e515b this /vprotect_data
Similarly, backup destinations can be referred to by names. So a backup of some VM with given GUID to backup destination with name ISP can be done like this:
In general vprotect config -s <GUID> <PROPERTY_NO.> <VALUE> the command sets the value of a property with the given number of node configurations with GUID. Property numbers are returned in a detailed view of each node configuration. After you create node configuration, show default values with -g. Then use property numbers (the first number in the property/value line of the detailed view).
More backup destinations can be added by separating GUIDs with commas.
Backup destinations
The backup destination management module is used to add and remove a backup destination (a backup provider instance with retention settings). A backup destination must be assigned to a group for the scheduler to know where to put backups during automatic backup. For on-demand backup, you just need to specify which backup destination should be used.
Backup destinations are assigned to the node configuration. This means that nodes using such configuration are configured to store backups in the selected backup destinations.
Note. The backup task will fail if it is not able to assign a node because the given BD is not assigned to the node config of the node that is required to be used for the given hypervisor.
To manage backup destinations in the system used vprotect bd sub-command.
In general vprotect bd -s <GUID> <PROPERTY_NO.> <VALUE> command sets value of property with the given number of BD with GUID. Property numbers are returned in detailed view of each BD (fields obviously are different for each backup provider). After you create backup destination, show default values with -g. Then use property numbers (first number in the property/value line of the detailed view).
Retention time settings are interpreted in days (just give a number without any additional suffixes).
There are however some mode/type fields that require a string to be typed in the correct format:
Amazon S3 - Backup mode - must be either:
SINGLE_BUCKET - single bucket for all VMs
ONE_BUCKET_PER_VM - separate bucket for each VM (note that default limit is 100 buckets in Amazon S3)
Swift - Auth method - authentication method used to authenticate Swift BD:
To show details of the given HV manager (by GUID) - note that each BD has a different set of fields - numbers at the beginning of a line indicate an identifier of a field you want to set from CLI:
vprotect bd -g 3263b196-056e-4485-9e8f-932798b58eb3
<!-- Property Value
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
GUID bb0524fe-40a1-4ca3-bbc9-7f0be8ac73cc
Node configs 1
Total available space 181 GiB
Total used space 9,1 GiB
1. Name backup
2. Pre-access CMD exec. enabled false
3. Pre-access CMD []
4. Post-access CMD exec. enabled false
5. Post-access CMD []
6. Default false
7. Retention (full) - keep last N backups 4
8. Retention (full) - keep newer than 30d
9. Retention (inc.) - keep last N backups 30
10. Retention (inc.) - keep newer than 30d
11. Paths [/backup]
12. Deduplication enabled false
13. Deduplication device -
14. Deduplicated filesystem mount point (set as 'default' to use BD path) /backup
15. Deduplication volume used space threshold percentage -
16. Encryption enabled -->
Remember that to use a BD you need to create a new entry of a given type and then configure its properties (example for IBM Spectrum Protect [ISP], assume that GUID returned by the first command was bb74ef6c-f6de-4783-bfa7-70fc2376fb08 ):
vprotect bd -c MyTSM isp
vprotect bd -g bb74ef6c-f6de-4783-bfa7-70fc2376fb08
<!-- Property Value
----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
GUID bb74ef6c-f6de-4783-bfa7-70fc2376fb08
Node configs 1
Type ISP
Total available space -
Total used space 0 B
1. Name IBM Spectrum Protect
2. Pre-access CMD exec. enabled false
3. Pre-access CMD []
4. Post-access CMD exec. enabled false
5. Post-access CMD []
6. Default false
7. Retention (full) - keep last N backups 4
8. Retention (full) - keep newer than 30d
9. Retention (inc.) - keep last N backups 30
10. Retention (inc.) - keep newer than 30d
11. dsm.opt file path /opt/vprotect/dsm.opt
12. Node name vprotect
13. Node password ***
14. Time zone Europe/Sarajevo
15. Backup progress refresh rate 20
16. Restore progress refresh rate 20 -->
Hypervisor manager management module is used to add, remove hypervisor managers (currently only oVirt and RHV managers) and invoke indexing task. Indexing tasks gathers information about hypervisors and VMs running in the managed environment and updates their location if the VM has been moved to the different hypervisor.
To manage HV managers in the system usedvprotect hvm sub-command.
Note. If you're using RHV/oVirt/Oracle VM/Nutanix/Kubernetes then hypervisors will be detected automatically as a part of the index task. So there is no need to define every hypervisor manually as they will be detected automatically.
By default current node configuration is used for created HV manager - you may change it with this command (first HV GUID, then node configuration GUID):
Hypervisors connected to the HV manager will have node configuration of the HV manager assigned by default. For backup export always node configuration assigned to the HV is used.
The Hypervisor management module is used to add, remove hypervisors and invoke indexing tasks. Indexing tasks gather information about VMs running on the hypervisor and update their location if the VM has been moved within the pool.
To manage hypervisors in the system used vprotect hv sub-command.
Note. If you're using RHV/oVirt/Oracle VM then hypervisors will be detected automatically as a part of the index task. So there is no need to define OVM hypervisors and for RHV/oVirt KVM hosts will be detected automatically.
By default current node configuration is used for created hypervisor - you may change it with this command (first HV GUID, then node configuration GUID):
Hypervisor clusters management module enables you to view and remove clusters detected on RHV/oVirt/Nutanix/OVM/XenServer environments.
To view or delete them use vprotect hc sub-command.
vprotect hc
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-d Delete HV cluster, -l List HV clusters]
# usage: hc -d <GUID> | -l
# Hypervisor cluster management
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete HV cluster
# -l,--list List HV clusters
# -sn,--set-name <GUID> <NAME> Change Hypervisor Cluster name
# -sp,--set-storage-provider <GUID> <STORAGE_PROVIDER_GUID>> Assign Storage Provider to Hypervisor Cluster. No value unassigns Storage Provider
Examples (Hypervisor clusters)
To list all detected clusters:
vprotect hc -l
To delete a cluster with GUID 107bc87a-9adf-4d6c-b732-345dd06c59e9:
vprotect hc -d 107bc87a-9adf-4d6c-b732-345dd06c59e9
Hypervisor storage
Hypervisor storage management module enables you to view and remove storage detected on RHV/oVirt/Nutanix/OVM/XenServer environments. You can select storage in the restore dialog box for XenServer/Nutanix and RHV/oVirt (v4) platforms.
To view or delete them used vprotect hs sub-command.
The Virtual machine management module is used to provide information about VMs that has been detected on hypervisors, report the status of the last backup of your VMs (and all backups for a particular VM) and set priority for operations invoked on VM.
To manage VMs in the system used vprotect vm sub-command.
VMs are detected automatically during Index tasks executed on the HV or HV manager.
vprotect vm
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-A Assign VM to the policy, -D List detected VM disks, -xC Set pre-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b", -wb Acknowledge warnings related to the backup, -L List backups of the VM, -xE Set pre-snapshot CMD exec enabled (1) / disabled (0), -rvS Revert snapshot, -cS Create VM snapshot, -se Set handling for pre-snap standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE, IGNORE_WITH_WARNING, IGNORE_WITHOUT_WARNING, -S List managed VM snapshots, -T List tasks related to the VM, -si Set pre-snap ignored command exit codes e.g. '15, 101-150' or '*', -gb Show backup details, -d Delete VM, -g Show virtual machine details, -XC Set post-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b", -l List VMs, -XE Set post-snapshot CMD exec enabled (1) / disabled (0), -sC Set SSH access credentials, -sE Set handling for post-snap standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE, IGNORE_WITH_WARNING, IGNORE_WITHOUT_WARNING, -sH Set SSH access host/port, -sI Set post-snap ignored command exit codes e.g. '15, 101-150' or '*', -w Acknowledge all backup warnings related to the VM, -sK Set SSH key path, -rmS Remove old snapshots, -eD Exclude disk from backup excluded (1) / included (0)]
# usage: vm -A <GUID> <VM_POLICY_GUID> | -cS <GUID> <RULE_GUID> <PRIORITY> | -D <GUID> | -d <GUID> | -eD <DISK_GUID> <0|1> | -g <<VM_GUID>> | -gb <BACKUP_GUID> | -L <GUID> | -l | -rmS <VM_GUID,...,VM_GUID> | -rvS <SNAPSHOT_GUID> | -S <GUID> | -sC <GUID> <SSH_USER> <SSH_PASS> | -se
# <GUID> <0|1> | -XE <GUID> <0|1>
# Virtual machine management
# -A,--assign-vm-policy <GUID> <VM_POLICY_GUID> Assign VM to the policy
# -cS,--create-snapshot <GUID> <RULE_GUID> <PRIORITY> Create VM snapshot
# -D,--list-disks <GUID> List detected VM disks
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete VM
# -eD,--exclude-disk <DISK_GUID> <0|1> Exclude disk from backup excluded (1) / included (0)
# -dnp,--delete-non-present <[PROJECT_UUID]> Delete non-present Virtual Machines. Project UUID is optional
# -g,--details <<VM_GUID>> Show virtual machine details
# -gb,--show-backup-details <BACKUP_GUID> Show backup details
# -L,--list-backups <GUID> List backups of the VM
# -l,--list List VMs
# -rmS,--remove-snapshot <VM_GUID,...,VM_GUID> Remove old snapshots
# -rvS,--revert-snapshot <SNAPSHOT_GUID> Revert snapshot
# -S,--list-snapshots <GUID> List managed VM snapshots
# -sC,--set-ssh-credentials <GUID> <SSH_USER> <SSH_PASS> Set SSH access credentials
# -se,--set-pre-std-error-out <GUID> <HANDLING> Set handling for pre-snap standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE, IGNORE_WITH_WARNING, IGNORE_WITHOUT_WARNING
# -sE,--set-post-std-error-out <GUID> <HANDLING> Set handling for post-snap standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE, IGNORE_WITH_WARNING, IGNORE_WITHOUT_WARNING
# -sH,--set-ssh-host <GUID> <SSH_HOST> <SSH_PORT> Set SSH access host/port
# -si,--set-pre-ignored-codes <GUID> <IGNORED_EXIT_CODES> Set pre-snap ignored command exit codes e.g. '15, 101-150' or '*'
# -sI,--set-post-ignored-codes <GUID> <IGNORED_EXIT_CODES> Set post-snap ignored command exit codes e.g. '15, 101-150' or '*'
# -sK,--set-ssh-key-path <GUID> <SSH_KEYPATH> Set SSH key path
# -T,--list-tasks <GUID> List tasks related to the VM
# -w,--ack-all-backup-warnings <GUID> Acknowledge all backup warnings related to the VM
# -wb,--ack-backup-warnings <BACKUP_GUID> Acknowledge warnings related to the backup
# -xC,--set-pre-snap-cmd <GUID> <CMD_STRING> Set pre-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b"
# -XC,--set-post-snap-cmd <GUID> <CMD_STRING> Set post-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b"
# -xE,--set-pre-snap-cmd-exec-enabled <GUID> <0|1> Set pre-snapshot CMD exec enabled (1) / disabled (0)
# -XE,--set-post-snap-cmd-exec-enabled <GUID> <0|1> Set post-snapshot CMD exec enabled (1) / disabled (0)
Examples (Virtual machines)
To list all VMs
vprotect vm -l
To show details of the given VM (by GUID)
vprotect vm -g 0f36f40c-6427-4035-9f2b-1ead6aca3597
To add VM (first GUID) to the given policy (second GUID):
vprotect vm -A 0f36f40c-6427-4035-9f2b-1ead6aca3597 3afcd507-a4f5-484d-8d34-53c73d7a5809
To show backup history of a VM with given GUID:
vprotect vm -L 0f36f40c-6427-4035-9f2b-1ead6aca3597
To create snapshot of a VM with given GUID (VM must have snapshot policy already assigned):
vprotect vm -cS 0f36f40c-6427-4035-9f2b-1ead6aca3597
Storage backup management
This module is responsible for managing storage instances and actions related to backups/schedules/policies etc.
vprotect st
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option:
# [-A Assign Storage to the policy, -a Assign Storage to the snapshot policy,
# -d Delete Storage, -g Show Storage details, -wb Acknowledge warnings related
# to the backup, -xC Set pre-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string,
# i.e. "cmd;-a;-b", -XC Set post-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string,
# i.e. "cmd;-a;-b", -l List Storages, -L List backups of the Storage,
# -sC Set SSH access credentials, -se Set handling for pre-snap standard error.
# -sE Set handling for post-snap standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE,
# IGNORE_WITH_WARNING, IGNORE_WITHOUT_WARNING, -s Modify Storage configuration,
# -T List tasks related to the Storage, -w Acknowledge all backup warnings
# related to the Storage, -gb Show backup details]
# -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -gb <BACKUP_GUID> | -l | -L <GUID> |
# -se <GUID> <HANDLING> | -sE <GUID> <HANDLING> |-T <GUID> | -w <GUID> |
# Storage management
# -A,--assign-storage-policy <GUID> <STORAGE_POLICY_GUID>
# #Assign Storage to the policy
# -a,--assign-snapshot-policy <GUID> <SNAPSHOT_POLICY_GUID>
# #Assign Storage to the snapshot policy
# -d,--delete <GUID>
# #Delete Storage
# -g,--details <GUID>
# #Show Storage details
# -gb,--show-backup-details <BACKUP_GUID>
# #Show backup details
# -l,--list
# #List Storages
# -L,--list-backups <GUID>
# #List backups of the Storage
# -s,--configuration <GUID> <PROPERTY_NO.> <VALUE>
# #Modify Storage configuration
# -sC,--set-ssh-credentials <GUID> <SSH_USER> <SSH_PASS>
# #Set SSH access credentials
# -se,--set-pre-std-error-out <GUID> <HANDLING>
# #Set handling for pre-snap standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE,
# -sE,--set-post-std-error-out <GUID> <HANDLING>
# #Set handling for post-snap standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE,
# -T,--list-tasks <GUID>
# #List tasks related to the Storage
# -w,--ack-all-backup-warnings <GUID>
# #Acknowledge all backup warnings related to the Storage
# -wb,--ack-backup-warnings <BACKUP_GUID>
# #Acknowledge warnings related to the backup
# -xC,--set-pre-snap-cmd <GUID> <CMD_STRING>
# #Set pre-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b"
# -XC,--set-post-snap-cmd <GUID> <CMD_STRING>
# #Set post-snapshot CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b"
Examples (Storage backup management)
Storage pool management
This small module allows us to list and deleting inventoried storage pools.
vprotect stpool
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-d Delete Storage Pool,
# -l List Storage Pools]
# usage: stpool -d <GUID> | -l
# Storage pool management
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete Storage Pool
# -l,--list List Storage Pools
This module is responsible for managing the storage provider's infrastructure. So performing tasks such as adding/removing / inventorying, etc.
vprotect stprovider
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-sC Modify Storage Provider configuration, -c Create Storage Provider, -s Synchronize inventory with Storage Provider, -d Delete Storage Provider, -u Set user/password, -nC Set node config for Storage Provider, -g Show Storage Providers details, -h Set host for Storage Provider, -l List Storage Providers, -L List Storages for Storage Provider, -n Set node for Storage Provider]
# usage: stprovider -c <HOST> <TYPE> | -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -h <GUID> <HOST> | -l | -L <GUID> | -n <GUID> <NODE_GUID> | -nC <GUID> <NODE_CONFIG_GUID> | -s <GUID> | -sC <GUID> <PROPERTY_NO.> <VALUE> | -u <GUID> <USER> <PASSWORD>
# +Storage provider management
# -c,--create <HOST> <TYPE> Create Storage Provider
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete Storage Provider
# -g,--details <GUID> Show Storage Providers details
# -h,--set-host <GUID> <HOST> Set host for Storage Provider
# -l,--list List Storage Providers
# -L,--list-storages <GUID> List Storages for Storage Provider
# -n,--set-node <GUID> <NODE_GUID> Set node for Storage Provider
# -nC,--set-node-config <GUID> <NODE_CONFIG_GUID> Set node config for Storage Provider
# -s,--sync <GUID> Synchronize inventory with Storage Provider
# -sC,--configuration <GUID> <PROPERTY_NO.> <VALUE> Modify Storage Provider configuration
# -u,--credentials <GUID> <USER> <PASSWORD> Set user/password
Examples (Storage providers management)
VM backup policies
Virtual machine backup policies management module is used to define backup policies of VMs. You can assign different backup priorities for a policy when the scheduler invokes a backup task. You need first to define a VM policy and then add VMs to it. VM can belong only to a single backup policy.
To manage VM policies in the system use vprotect vmpolicy sub-command.
VMs are assigned automatically to the policy only if VM has no policy assigned already. If an automatic assignment has been turned on for a policy and either name of the VM matches the regular expression, or tag-detected (Citrix/oVirt/RHV/Oracle VM) matches tag defined for the policy, VM is assigned to the policy, and all schedules for a policy will also be automatically invoked for this VM.
Note. it is important to assign a backup destination for a policy (required for a node to know where to store backups).
vprotect vmpolicy
# Required option: [-rR Remove auto-assignment RE, -rT Remove auto-assignment tag, -aC Set auto-assignment HV clusters, -b Set backup destination for the VM policy, -c Create a new policy, -d Delete a policy, -g Show details, -l List policies, -L List VMs in the policy, -aM Set auto-assignment mode, -m Modify policy, -aN Set auto-removal of non-present VMs flag, -p Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -aR Add auto-assignment RE, -aT Add auto-assignment tag, -S List schedules for the policy, -s Set schedules for the VM policy, -U Unassign VMs from the policy, -V Assign VMs to the policy]
# <inc|exc> <REG_EXP> | -aT <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> | -b <GUID> <BD_GUID | BD_NAME>> | -c <NAME> | -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -l | -L <GUID> | -m <GUID>
# <NAME> | -p <GUID> <PRIORITY> | -rR <GUID> <inc|exc> <REG_EXP> | -rT <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> | -S <GUID> | -s <GUID> <SCHED_GUID,...,SCHED_GUID> | -U
# VM backup policy management
# -aC,--set-auto-assign-hv-clusters <GUID > <[HV_CLUSTER_GUID,...,HV_CLUSTER_GUID]> Set auto-assignment HV clusters
# -aM,--set-auto-assign-mode <GUID> <DISABLED|ASSIGN_ONLY|ASSIGN_AND_REMOVE> Set auto-assignment mode
# -aN,--set-auto-remove-non-present <GUID> <0|1> Set auto-removal of non-present VMs flag
# -aR,--add-auto-assign-re <GUID> <inc|exc> <REG_EXP> Add auto-assignment RE
# -aT,--add-auto-assign-tag <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> Add auto-assignment tag
# -b,--set-backup-destination <GUID> <BD_GUID | BD_NAME>> Set backup destination for the VM policy
# -c,--create <NAME> Create a new policy
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete a policy
# -g,--details <GUID> Show details
# -l,--list List policies
# -L,--list-vms <GUID> List VMs in the policy
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> Modify policy
# -p,--set-priority <GUID> <PRIORITY> Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -rR,--remove-auto-assign-re <GUID> <inc|exc> <REG_EXP> Remove auto-assignment RE
# -rT,--remove-auto-assign-tag <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> Remove auto-assignment tag
# -S,--list-schedules <GUID> List schedules for the policy
# -s,--set-schedules <GUID> <SCHED_GUID,...,SCHED_GUID> Set schedules for the VM policy
# -U,--unassign-vms <VM_GUID,...,VM_GUID> Unassign VMs from the policy
# -V,--assign-vms <GUID> <VM_GUID,...,VM_GUID> Assign VMs to the policy
The snapshot management policies module enables CDM for your VMs and manages their retention. Currently, it is supported for KVM, Citrix, RHV/oVirt/OLVM platforms.
To manage snapshot policies for VMs in the system use vprotect vm-snappolicy sub-command.
VMs are assigned automatically to the policy only if VM has no policy assigned already. If an automatic assignment has been turned on for a policy and either name of the VM matches a regular expression, or tag-detected (Citrix/RHV/oVirt/OLVM) matches tag defined for the policy, VM is assigned to the policy, and all schedules for a policy will also be automatically invoked for this VM.
Note. Only VMs with assigned snapshot management policy can be a snapshot from the CLI or UI.
vprotect vm-snappolicy
# Required option: [-rR Remove rules from policy, -rT Remove auto-assignment tag, -aC Set auto-assignment HV clusters, -c Create a new policy, -d Delete a policy, -g Show details, -l List policies, -L List VMs in the policy, -aM Set auto-assignment mode, -m Modify policy, -aN Set auto-removal of non-present VMs flag, -p Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -aR Add new rule to selected policy, -r List rules for policy, -aT Add auto-assignment tag, -U Unassign VMs from the policy, -V Assign VMs to the policy]
# usage: vm-snappolicy -aC <GUID > <[HV_CLUSTER_GUID,...,HV_CLUSTER_GUID]> | -aM <GUID> <DISABLED|ASSIGN_ONLY|ASSIGN_AND_REMOVE> | -aN <GUID> <0|1> | -aR <NAME>
# <POLICY_GUID> <RETENTION_DAYS> <RETENTION_VERSIONS> | -aT <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> | -c <NAME> | -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -l | -L <GUID> | -m <GUID>
# <NAME> | -p <GUID> <PRIORITY> | -r <GUID> | -rR <POLICY_GUID> <RULE_GUID,...,RULE_GUID> | -rT <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> | -U <VM_GUID,...,VM_GUID> | -V
# Snapshot policy management
# -aC,--set-auto-assign-hv-clusters <GUID > <[HV_CLUSTER_GUID,...,HV_CLUSTER_GUID]> Set auto-assignment HV clusters
# -aM,--set-auto-assign-mode <GUID> <DISABLED|ASSIGN_ONLY|ASSIGN_AND_REMOVE> Set auto-assignment mode
# -aN,--set-auto-remove-non-present <GUID> <0|1> Set auto-removal of non-present VMs flag
# -aR,--add-rule <NAME> <POLICY_GUID> <RETENTION_DAYS> <RETENTION_VERSIONS> Add new rule to selected policy
# -aT,--add-auto-assign-tag <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> Add auto-assignment tag
# -c,--create <NAME> Create a new policy
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete a policy
# -g,--details <GUID> Show details
# -l,--list List policies
# -L,--list-vms <GUID> List VMs in the policy
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> Modify policy
# -p,--set-priority <GUID> <PRIORITY> Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -r,--list-rules <GUID> List rules for policy
# -rR,--remove-rules <POLICY_GUID> <RULE_GUID,...,RULE_GUID> Remove rules from policy
# -rT,--remove-auto-assign-tag <GUID> <inc|exc> <TAG> Remove auto-assignment tag
# -U,--unassign-vms <VM_GUID,...,VM_GUID> Unassign VMs from the policy
# -V,--assign-vms <GUID> <VM_GUID,...,VM_GUID> Assign VMs to the policy
To manage snapshot policies for storage in the system used vprotect storage-snappolicy sub-command.
Storages are assigned automatically to the policy only if storage has no policy assigned already. If an automatic assignment has been turned on for a policy and the name of the storage matches the regular expression, storage is assigned to the policy, and all schedules for a policy will also be automatically invoked for this storage.
Note. only storage with an assigned snapshot management policy can be a snapshot from the CLI or UI.
vprotect storage-snappolicy
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-rR Remove rules from policy, -c Create a new policy, -d Delete a policy, -g Show details, -l List policies, -aM Set auto-assignment mode, -L List storages in the policy, -m Modify policy, -aN Set auto-removal of non-present VMs flag, -aP Set auto-assignment storage pools, -p Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -aR Add new rule to selected policy, -r List rules for policy, -S Assign storages to the policy, -U Unassign storages from the policy]
# +Snapshot policy management for storages
# -aM,--set-auto-assign-mode <GUID> <DISABLED|ASSIGN_ONLY|ASSIGN_AND_REMOVE> Set auto-assignment mode
# -aN,--set-auto-remove-non-present <GUID> <0|1> Set auto-removal of non-present VMs flag
# -aP,--set-auto-assign-storage-pools <GUID > <[STORAGE_POOL_GUID,...,STORAGE_POOL_GUID]> Set auto-assignment storage pools
# -aR,--add-rule <NAME> <POLICY_GUID> <RETENTION_DAYS> <RETENTION_VERSIONS> Add new rule to selected policy
# -c,--create <NAME> Create a new policy
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete a policy
# -g,--details <GUID> Show details
# -l,--list List policies
# -L,--list-storages <GUID> List storages in the policy
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> Modify policy
# -p,--set-priority <GUID> <PRIORITY> Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -r,--list-rules <GUID> List rules for policy
# -rR,--remove-rules <POLICY_GUID> <RULE_GUID,...,RULE_GUID> Remove rules from policy
# -S,--assign-storages <GUID> <STORAGE_GUID,...,STORAGE_GUID> Assign storages to the policy
# -U,--unassign-storages <STORAGE_GUID,...,STORAGE_GUID> Unassign storages from the policy
Examples (Snapshot management policies for storage)
To list all snapshot policies
vprotect storage-snappolicy -l
To show details of the given snapshot policy (by GUID)
The schedule management module is used to create schedules associated with VMs or groups of VMs. Each schedule defines the days of a week and the hour when the backup tasks should be invoked. Each schedule also defines a time window in which the backup process must start. If the task queue is full and the tasks start after the specified amount of time from the schedule – it will be canceled and marked as failed.
Tasks in the queue are run in order from the highest to the lowest priority.
You can assign multiple schedules if you need backup to be executed at different hours on different days.
Remember always to assign schedules to VM or VM group – schedule can be assigned only to a single VM or VM group.
To manage schedules in the system used vprotect sched sub-command.
vprotect sched
# Modify schedule (backup type: FULL / INCREMENTAL)]
# usage: sched -a <arg> | -c <arg> | -d <arg> | -g <arg> | -l | -m <arg>
# Schedule management
# -a,--set-active <GUID> <0|1> Set schedule to be active (1) / not active (0)
# Create schedule for VM (backup type: FULL / INCREMENTAL)
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete schedule
# -g,--show-details <GUID> Show details
# -l,--list List schedules
# Modify schedule (backup type: FULL / INCREMENTAL)
Examples (Schedules)
To list all schedules
vprotect sched -l
To create a full virtual machine backup schedule with a name Schedule1 executed every day at 05:00 with 60 minutes of time window:
vprotect sched -c Schedule1 VM_BACKUP FULL TIME 05:00 60 everyday any any
To create an incremental virtual machine backup schedule with a name Schedule2 executed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 17:00 with 90 minutes of time window:
vprotect sched -c Schedule2 VM_BACKUP INCREMENTAL TIME 17:00 90 mon,wed,fri any any
Note. Days of the week are provided as a single comma-separated string of short (3-letter) weekday names
To disable a schedule with GUID 6651787d-9a55-421d-8158-ead80a70a9cb:
vprotect sched -a 6651787d-9a55-421d-8158-ead80a70a9cb 0
VM backup/restore
This module is used to manage the backup and restore processes. It is also used to list backups of a particular VM.
To invoke backup and restore tasks use vprotect brvm sub-command.
vprotect brvm
# Required option: [-b Backup (full), -B Backup (full) with task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -gL Show file details, -F List file systems, -H Restore the backup to the hypervisor. For KVM mixed volumes please provide storages in form of BF_GUID=STORAGE_ID with files separated by semicolon, i.e. "BF_GUID=STORAGE_ID; BF_GUID2=STORAGE_ID2 ...", -i Backup VM (incremental), -I Backup VM (incremental) with task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -l List backups, -L List backup files, -M Restore the backup to the hypervisor manager, -r Restore the backup, -T List tasks related to the backup, -gb Show backup details]
# usage: brvm -b <GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> | -B <GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> <PRIORITY> | -F <GUID> | -gb <BACKUP_GUID> | -gL <BACKUP_FILE_GUID> | -H <GUID>
# VM backup & restore
# -b,--backup <GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> Backup (full)
# -B,--backup-with-priority <GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> <PRIORITY> Backup (full) with task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -F,--list-file-systems <GUID> List file systems
# -gb,--show-backup-details <BACKUP_GUID> Show backup details
# -gsi,--show-backup-status-info <BACKUP_GUID> Show backup status info
# -gL,--show-files-details <BACKUP_FILE_GUID> Show file details
# -H,--restore-to-hv <GUID> <HV_GUID | HV_HOST> <STORAGE_ID> Restore the backup to the hypervisor. For KVM mixed volumes please provide
# storages in form of BF_GUID=STORAGE_ID with files separated by semicolon, i.e. "BF_GUID=STORAGE_ID; BF_GUID2=STORAGE_ID2 ..."
# -i,--backup-inc <VM_GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> Backup VM (incremental)
# -I,--backup-inc-with-priority <VM_GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> <PRIORITY> Backup VM (incremental) with task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -l,--list List backups
# -L,--list-files <GUID> List backup files
# -M,--restore-to-hvm <GUID> <HVM_GUID | HVM_HOST> <STORAGE_ID> <[CLUSTER_ID]> Restore the backup to the hypervisor manager
# -r,--restore <GUID> <NODE_GUID | NODE_NAME> <DIRECTORY> Restore the backup
# -T,--list-tasks <GUID> List tasks related to the backup
Examples (VM backup/restore)
To list all backups and their status:
vprotect brvm -l
To show backups of a particular VM:
vprotect vm -L 0f36f40c-6427-4035-9f2b-1ead6aca3597
The Mounted backup management module is used to mount and unmounts backups on the given node. This feature is currently supported for RHV/oVirt/OVM VMs. Each mounted backup can be mounted automatically (auto-detection of mount points within a single root or manually with separate mount points for each volume.
To invoke mount/unmount tasks use vprotect mnt sub-command.
vprotect mnt
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-T List tasks related to the mounted backup, -u Unmount previously mounted backup, -F List file systems, -l List mounted backups, -L List mounted files, -mi Mount iSCSI., -m Mount backup according to the MOUNT_SPECIFICATION, -Li List files for selected backup, that can be mounted using iSCSI mode.]
# Mounted backup management
# -F,--list-file-systems <GUID> List file systems
# -l,--list List mounted backups
# -L,--list-files <GUID> List mounted files
# -Li,--list-iscsi-mountable-files <BACKUP_GUID> List files for selected backup, that can be mounted using iSCSI mode.
# -m,--mount <GUID> <NODE_CONFIG_GUID | NODE_CONFIG_NAME> <auto|manual> <MOUNT_SPECIFICATION> Mount backup according to the MOUNT_SPECIFICATION
# -T,--list-tasks <GUID> List tasks related to the mounted backup
# -u,--unmount <GUID> Unmount previously mounted backup
Examples (Mounted backups)
To list all mounted backups:
vprotect mnt -l
To list all mounted files used by mounted backup with GUID 1ac068d3-4848-4c98-b30b-54ce050b6a95 (note that this is mounted backup GUID not a backup GUID):
To mount all file systems in backup with GUID 2132182d-e9ab-4478-a1db-48222b0e515b and node config with GUID 3a9d48dc-e48f-11eb-a1ce-005056a6b7e5 to /mnt/myVM/2017-01-01:
vprotect mnt -m 2132182d-e9ab-4478-a1db-48222b0e515b 3a9d48dc-e48f-11eb-a1ce-005056a6b7e5 auto /mnt/myVM/2017-01-01
To mount manually file systems in backup with GUID 2132182d-e9ab-4478-a1db-48222b0e515b with specifying mount points you need to provide semicolon-separated list where you provide name of the volume=mount point (white space before or after semicolon or equal sign is not allowed)
Note. Some tasks may need to be finished before they are cancelled, for example export VM from the hypervisor – after cancellation it may take some time for the task to process the cancel request and clean up the snapshots etc. If necessary, the backup will be marked as failed.
The Project module is used to view details and set a quota for available projects.
vprotect project
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-g Show Project details, -l List Projects, -sQ Set Project Quota]
# usage: project -g <GUID> | -l | -sQ <GUID> <QUOTA_GUID>
# Project management
# -g,--details <GUID> Show Project details
# -l,--list List Projects
# -sQ,--set-quota <GUID> <QUOTA_GUID> Set Project Quota
Examples (Project)
To list all projects:
vprotect project -l
To set quota with GUID 6f0bfb3c-24dd-4d12-8a72-997ded2ecc98 to project with GUID ca707d31-f403-40d5-b160-6ac512457b87
The User module is used to manage users and their settings. You can add or remove users, change their password or timezone.
vprotect user
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-c Create user, -d Delete user, -g Show user details, -l List users, -m Update user's property, -sP Update user's password, -sA Update user's activation state]
# usage: user -c <LOGIN> <FIRST_NAME> <LAST_NAME> <TIMEZONE> <LANGUAGE> <ACTIVE> | -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -l | -m <GUID> <PROPERTY_NO.> <VALUE> | -sA <GUID> <ACTIVE> | -sP <GUID>>
# User management
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete user
# -g,--details <GUID> Show user details
# -l,--list List users
# -m,--modify <GUID> <PROPERTY_NO.> <VALUE> Update user's property
# -sA,--set-active <GUID> <ACTIVE> Update user's activation state
# -sP,--set-password <GUID>>
Examples (User Management)
To create a new user
vprotect user -c jdoe John Doe UTC EN true
To list all users
vprotect user -l
GUID First Name Last Name Active
------------------------------------ ---------- --------- ------
1 The Admin true
259c07ab-5097-4826-8a91-dd281840faf5 John Doe true
To set password for the user
vprotect user -sP 705490c2-7734-4a56-a563-24471447bf2b
Quota management module is used to manage backup/restore limits for virtual machines in projects.
To manage Quotas in the system use vprotect quota sub-command.
vprotect quota
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-aR Add Rule to Quota, -c Create Quota, -d Delete Quota, -g Show Quota details, -sN Change Quota name, -l List Quotas, -L List Projects for Quota, -eR Edit Rule in Quota, -sA Change Quota active state, -dR Delete Rule from Quota]
# Quota management
# -c,--create <NAME> Create Quota
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete Quota
# -dR,--delete-rule <GUID> <RULE_NAME> <TYPE> Delete Rule from Quota
# -g,--details <GUID> Show Quota details
# -l,--list List Quotas
# -L,--list-projects <GUID> List Projects for Quota
# -lR,--list-all-rules List all possible rule names
# -sA,--set-active <GUID> <ACTIVE> Change Quota active state
# -sN,--set-name <GUID> <NAME> Change Quota name
Examples (Quota)
To list all quotas:
vprotect quota -l
To list all projects for Quota with GUID 1ac068d3-4848-4c98-b30b-54ce050b6a95:
This module allows listing possible context types and privilege types used in RBAC management.
This module uses vprotect rbac sub-command.
vprotect rbac
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-lp List all possible privilege types, -lc List all possible context types]
# usage: rbac -lc | -lp
# User management
# -lc,--list-context List all possible context types
# -lp,--list-privilege List all possible privilege types
Examples (RBAC)
To list all possible privilege types
vprotect rbac -lp
User Role Management
The User Role management module is used to manage Roles and their privileges.
Note. only rules that are created by the user can be deleted.
To manage User Roles in the system use vprotect role sub-command.
vprotect role
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-rC Remove context from the role, -aC Add context to role, -c Create role, -d Delete role, -g Get role details, -lC List contexts of the role, -l Get role list, -m Modify role name, -rP Remove privilege from the role, -aP Add privilege to role]
# usage: role -aC <GUID> | -aP <GUID> <PRIVILEGE NAME> | -c <NAME> | -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -l | -lC <GUID> | -m <GUID> <NAME> | -rC <GUID> <CONTEXT INSTANCE GUID> | -rP <GUID> <PRIVILEGE NAME>
# +Access management
# -aC,--add-context <GUID> Add context to role
# -aP,--add-privilege <GUID> <PRIVILEGE_NAME> Add privilege to role
# -c,--create <NAME> Create role
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete role
# -g,--details <GUID> Get role details
# -l,--list Get role list
# -lC,--list-contexts <GUID> List contexts of the role
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> Modify role name
# -rC,--remove-context <GUID> <CONTEXT_INSTANCE_GUID> Remove context from the role
# -rP,--remove-privilege <GUID> <PRIVILEGE_NAME> Remove privilege from the role
Examples (User Role Management)
To create a new Role
vprotect role -c Tester
To add VE_INSTANCE_READ privilege to a Role with GUID 1ac068d3-4848-4c98-b30b-54ce050b6a95
vprotect role -aP 1ac068d3-4848-4c98-b30b-54ce050b6a95 VE_INSTANCE_READ
User Group Management
+User Group management module is used to bind Users with a set of Roles.
Note. Only groups that are created by the user can be deleted.
To manage User Roles in the system use vprotect group sub-command.
# vprotect group
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-rR Remove role from the group, -aR Add role to the group, -c Create group, -rU Remove user from the group, -d Delete group, -aU Add user to the group, -g Get group details, -l Get group list, -m Modify group name]
# usage: group -aR <GUID> <ROLE GUID> | -aU <GUID> <USER_GUID> | -c <NAME> | -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -l | -m <GUID> <NAME> | -rR <GUID> <ROLE_GUID> | -rU <GUID> <USER_GUID>
# AppUser Group management
# -aR,--add-role <GUID> <ROLE GUID> Add role to the group
# -aU,--add-user <GUID> <USER_GUID> Add user to the group
# -c,--create <NAME> Create group
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete group
# -g,--details <GUID> Get group details
# -l,--list Get group list
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> Modify group name
# -rR,--remove-role <GUID> <ROLE_GUID> Remove role from the group
# -rU,--remove-user <GUID> <USER_GUID> Remove user from the group
Examples (User Group Management)
To add Role with GUID 1ac068d3-4848-4c98-b30b-54ce050b6a95 to Group with GUID 54c57989-9d99-480f-a6da-b4f34b7bd812
vprotect group -aR 54c57989-9d99-480f-a6da-b4f34b7bd812 1ac068d3-4848-4c98-b30b-54ce050b6a95
To remove User with GUID 91e6bf9c-59c6-4653-9854-e9c920198343 from Group with GUID 54c57989-9d99-480f-a6da-b4f34b7bd812
vprotect group -rU 54c57989-9d99-480f-a6da-b4f34b7bd812 91e6bf9c-59c6-4653-9854-e9c920198343
Application backup/restore
This module is used to manage tge backup and restore process. It is also used to list backups of a particular application.
To invoke backup and restore tasks use vprotect brapp sub-command.
vprotect brapp
# Required option: [-b Backup (full), -B Backup (full) with task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -r Restore the backup, -T List tasks related to the backup, -gL Show file details, -I Restore and import backup. Enter D as path for DEFAULT source path from application, -gb Show backup details, -l List backups, -L List backup files]
# Application backup & restore
# -b,--backup <GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> Backup (full)
# -B,--backup-with-priority <GUID> <BP_GUID | BP_NAME> <PRIORITY> Backup (full) with task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -gb,--show-backup-details <BACKUP_GUID> Show backup details
# -gL,--show-files-details <BACKUP_FILE_GUID> Show file details
# -I,--restore-and-import <BACKUP_GUID> <DST_APP_GUID> <PATH> Restore and import backup. Enter D as path for DEFAULT source path from application
# -l,--list List backups
# -L,--list-files <GUID> List backup files
# -r,--restore <GUID> <NODE_GUID | NODE_NAME> <DIRECTORY> Restore the backup
# -T,--list-tasks <GUID> List tasks related to the backup
The Application management module is used to provide information about apps that have been defined report the status of the last backup of your apps (and all backups for a particular app).
To manage Applications in the system used vprotect app sub-command.
vprotect app
# Required option: [-A Assign application backup policy, -dE Delete environment variable, -c Create a new application, -d Delete an application, -aE Add environment variable to application, -g Show application details, -xC Set application CMD exec configuration, -l List applications, -L List backups of the application, -m Modify application, -sC Set SSH access credentials, -sH Set SSH access host/port, -sK Set SSH key path, -mE Modify environment variable. Set variable hidden in UI(1) or visible(0), -lE List environment variables for application, -sN Set application node]
# usage: app -A <GUID> <APP_POLICY_GUID> | -aE <APP_GUID> <NAME> <VALUE> | -c <NAME> <CONFIG_GUID> | -d <GUID> | -dE <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -l | -L <GUID> | -lE
# <APP_GUID> | -m <GUID> <NAME> | -mE <GUID> <APP_GUID> <NAME> <VALUE> <0|1> | -sC <GUID> <SSH_USER> <SSH_PASS> | -sH <GUID> <SSH_HOST> <SSH_PORT> | -sK
# Application backup management
# -A,--assign-app-policy <GUID> <APP_POLICY_GUID> Assign application backup policy
# -aE,--add-env-variable <APP_GUID> <NAME> <VALUE> Add environment variable to application
# -c,--create <NAME> <CONFIG_GUID> Create a new application
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete an application
# -dE,--delete-env-variable <GUID> Delete environment variable
# -g,--details <GUID> Show application details
# -l,--list List applications
# -L,--list-backups <GUID> List backups of the application
# -lE,--list-env-variables <APP_GUID> List environment variables for application
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> Modify application
# -mE,--modify-env-variable <GUID> <APP_GUID> <NAME> <VALUE> <0|1> Modify environment variable. Set variable hidden in UI(1) or visible(0)
# -sC,--set-ssh-credentials <GUID> <SSH_USER> <SSH_PASS> Set SSH access credentials
# -sH,--set-ssh-host <GUID> <SSH_HOST> <SSH_PORT> Set SSH access host/port
# -sK,--set-ssh-key-path <GUID> <SSH_KEYPATH> Set SSH key path
# -sN,--set-node <GUID> <NODE_GUID> Set application node
# -xC,--set-app-cmd-exec-config <GUID> <APP_CMD_EXEC_CONFIG_GUID> Set application CMD exec configuration
Examples (Applications)
To list all Applications
vprotect app -l
To show details of the given Application (by GUID)
Application backup policies management module is used to define backup policies for Applications. You can assign different backup priorities for a policy when the scheduler invokes a backup task. You need first to define the application backup policy and then add Applications to it. The Application can belong only to a single backup policy.
To manage Application policies in the system used vprotect apppolicy sub-command.
Note. It is important to assign a backup destination for a policy (required for a node to know where to store backups).
Application backup policies are supposed to have multiple rules (but currently vProtect supports exactly 1 rule). Rule specifies schedules and backup destinations for the policies.
vprotect apppolicy
# Required option: [-p Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -rR Remove rules from policy, -A Assign applications to policy, -aR Add new rule to selected policy, -r List rules for application backup policy, -c Create application backup policy, -d Delete a policy, -U Unassign applications from policy, -g Show details, -l List policies, -m Modify application backup policy]
# -g <GUID> | -l | -m <GUID> <NAME> <PRIORITY> | -p <GUID> <PRIORITY> | -r <GUID> | -rR <POLICY_GUID> <RULE_GUID,...,RULE_GUID> | -U <GUID>
# Application backup policy management
# -A,--assign applications <GUID> <APP_GUID,...,APP_GUID> Assign applications to policy
# -aR,--add-rule <NAME> <POLICY_GUID> <SCHEDULE_GUID> <BACKUP_DESTINATION_GUID> Add new rule to selected policy
# -c,--create <NAME> <PRIORITY> Create application backup policy
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete a policy
# -g,--details <GUID> Show details
# -l,--list List policies
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> <PRIORITY> Modify application backup policy
# -p,--set-priority <GUID> <PRIORITY> Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -r,--list-rules <GUID> List rules for application backup policy
# -rR,--remove-rules <POLICY_GUID> <RULE_GUID,...,RULE_GUID> Remove rules from policy
# -U,--unassign applications <GUID> <APP_GUID,...,APP_GUID> Unassign applications from policy
Examples (Application backup policies)
To list all application backup policies
vprotect apppolicy -l
To show details of the given application (by GUID)
Application command execution management module is used to define command execution for application. You can assign application to command definition or show details of command config. As you can see in the module syntax, you can do much more and we will show such operations in examples.
vprotect appconf
# Required option: [-sS Set source path. Please remember that wildcard paths should be specified inside double quotes., -A Assign applications to config, -c Create application command execution config, timeout [min.], -d Delete application command execution config, -e Set export data to false(0) or true(1), -g Show details, -l List application command execution configs, -m Modify application command execution config", -sC Set CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b", -r Remove files after export to false(0) or true(1), -sE Set handling for standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE, IGNORE_WITH_WARNING, IGNORE_WITHOUT_WARNING, -t Set timeout in minutes, -U Unassign applications from config, -sI Set ignored command exit codes e.g. '15, 101-150' or '*']
# usage: appconf -A <GUID> <APP_GUID,...,APP_GUID> | -c <NAME> <NODE | REMOTE_SSH> <FILE | STREAM> <TIMEOUT> | -d <GUID> | -e <GUID> <0|1>
# | -g <GUID> | -l | -m <GUID> <NAME> <NODE | REMOTE_SSH> <FILE | STREAM> | -r <GUID> <0|1> | -sC <GUID> <CMD_STRING> | -sE <GUID>
# App command execution management
# -A,--assign-applications <GUID> <APP_GUID,...,APP_GUID> Assign applications to config
# -c,--create <NAME> <NODE | REMOTE_SSH> <FILE | STREAM> <TIMEOUT> Create application command execution config, timeout [min.]
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete application command execution config
# -e,--set-export-data <GUID> <0|1> Set export data to false(0) or true(1)
# -g,--details <GUID> Show details
# -l,--list List application command execution configs
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> <NODE | REMOTE_SSH> <FILE | STREAM> Modify application command execution config"
# -r,--remove-after-export <GUID> <0|1> Remove files after export to false(0) or true(1)
# -sC,--set-cmd-arg <GUID> <CMD_STRING> Set CMD as semi-colon-separated string, i.e. "cmd;-a;-b"
# -sE,--set-std-error <GUID> <HANDLING> Set handling for standard error. Values: DONT_IGNORE,
# -sI,--set-ignored-codes <GUID> <IGNORED_EXIT_CODES> Set ignored command exit codes e.g. '15, 101-150' or '*'
# -sS,--set-source-path <GUID> <SOURCE_PATH> Set source path. Please remember that wildcard paths should be
# specified inside double quotes.
# -t,--timeout <GUID> <TIMEOUT> Set timeout in minutes
# -U,--unassign-applications <GUID> <APP_GUID,...,APP_GUID> Unassign applications from config
vprotect appconf -g 9a6b1277-4388-42c3-8f81-ea4af6b0b27c
# Property Value
# ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
# GUID 9a6b1277-4388-42c3-8f81-ea4af6b0b27c
# Name mysql
# CmdArg [$VP_MYSQL_SCRIPTPATH/vp_backup_mysql.sh, >>, $VP_MYSQL_LOGFILE]
# Applications []
# Cmd execution method REMOTE_SSH
# Export data true
# Remove files after export true
# Source type FILE
# Source path $VP_MYSQL_STOREPATH/*
# Timeout in minutes 60
# Ignored exit codes -
# Standard error handling DONT_IGNORE
Restore Jobs
You can use this small module to list restore job operations and see the details of every task.
vprotect restorejob
# Incorrect syntax: Missing required option: [-g Show restore job details, -l List restore jobs]
# usage: restorejob -g <RESTOREJOB_GUID> | -l
# Restore jobs
# -g,--show-restore-job-details <RESTOREJOB_GUID> Show restore job details
# -l,--list List restore jobs
Examples (Restore Jobs)
To list restore jobs:
vprotect restorejob -l
# GUID Restore Type Status Status info VM/APP
# ------------------------------------ ------------------ ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
# e9aff98f-e431-467f-b9f9-46b2f86068eb Restore and mount Success Backups of VM: [PM]Windows_2016 (size: 50 GiB) mounted in: 1m 14s. -
# 0dcdfed3-f793-4b9f-8faf-a608396de8e8 Restore Failed ExternalAPIException: Failed to create directory: /vprotect_data/import/a2778f74-dc6c-4a1d-88ea-1f85361f4fbd/VM_01_Apine/2020-06-08__11.50. -
# fd99c9ec-ac25-448c-a973-d654936076b2 Restore Failed Backup destination is not assigned to the node -
# f23c2c8c-2bec-4e8e-9ba9-2c6251434907 Restore and mount Success Backups of VM: alpine (size: 2.3 GiB) mounted in: 1m 31s
# a24f15c0-617f-4808-869a-ed346e30a713 Restore and import Success Backups of VM: Alpine-Linux (size: 2 GiB) imported in: 3m 5s.
To see restore job details:
vprotect restorejob -g e9aff98f-e431-467f-b9f9-46b2f86068eb
# Property Value
# ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
# GUID e9aff98f-e431-467f-b9f9-46b2f86068eb
# Status SUCCESS
# Status info Backups of VM: [PM]Windows_2016 (size: 50 GiB) mounted in: 1m 14s.
# VM/APP -
# Tasks 0
# Backup 1906e226-2ba6-439a-b723-31efb6e5196a
# Destination VM/APP [PM]Windows_2016 (f2354325-562e-465b-abc4-c4db51036b80)
# Restore Storage ID -
# Restore Cluster ID -
# Restored VM/APP Name -
# Restore Project Name -
# Restore Path -
# Tenant ID -
# Base Image -
# Data Center Name -
# Restored Disk Allocation Format -
# Mounted Backup Mode AUTO
# Backup Type FULL
# Node vPro-Local (b46043f2-df06-482c-b4ba-37fc8093022c)
Recovery plans policies
The Recovery plans policies module is used to define recovery plans policies and rules for VMs. You can assign different restore priorities for a policy when the scheduler invokes the restore task. You need first to create a new policy and then add new rules to it.
vprotect recplan
# Required option: [-sRrci Set restore cluster id in rule, -sRa Set rule status, -sRhvmt Set hypervisor manager type in rule, -sRuag Set rule use auto generated name, -sRrp Set restore path in rule, -sRdc Set data center in rule, -sRn Set node in rule, -sRrn Set target VM name in rule, -sRtp Set target project in rule, -aR Add new rule to selected policy, -sRdaf Set disk allocation format in rule, -sRrsi Set restore storage id in rule, -sRv Add virtual machines to rule, -rR Remove rules from policy, -c Create a new policy, -d Delete a policy, -sRbs Set backup selection in rule, -g Show details, -sRovw Set overwrite status in rule, -l List policies, -m Modify policy, -p Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default), -r List rules for policy, -srBi Set base image in rule, -sRhv Set hypervisor in rule, -sRhvm Set hypervisor manager in rule, -sRhvt Set hypervisor type in rule]
# usage: recplan -aR <NAME> <POLICY_GUID>> | -c <NAME> | -d <GUID> | -g <GUID> | -l | -m <GUID> <NAME> | -p <GUID> <PRIORITY> | -r <GUID> |
# Recovery plan policies
# -aR,--add-rule <NAME> <POLICY_GUID>> Add new rule to selected policy
# -c,--create <NAME> Create a new policy
# -d,--delete <GUID> Delete a policy
# -g,--details <GUID> Show details
# -l,--list List policies
# -m,--modify <GUID> <NAME> Modify policy
# -p,--set-priority <GUID> <PRIORITY> Set policy's backup task priority (0-100, 50 = default)
# -r,--list-rules <GUID> List rules for policy
# -rR,--remove-rules <POLICY_GUID> <RULE_GUID,...,RULE_GUID> Remove rules from policy
# -sRa,--set-rule-active <RULE_GUID> <TRUE|FALSE>> Set rule status
# -srBi,--set-rule-base-image <RULE_GUID> <BASE_IMAGE_UUID>> Set base image in rule
# -sRbs,--set-rule-backup-selection <RULE_GUID> <LAST_SUCCESSFUL | ANY>> Set backup selection in rule
# -sRdaf,--set-rule-disk-allocation-format <RULE_GUID> <PREALLOCATED | SPARSE>> Set disk allocation format in rule
# -sRdc,--set-rule-data-center <RULE_GUID> <DATA_CENTER_NAME>> Set data center in rule
# -sRhv,--set-rule-hv <RULE_GUID> <HYPERVISOR_GUID>> Set hypervisor in rule
# -sRhvm,--set-rule-hvm <RULE_GUID> <HYPERVISORMANAGER_GUID>> Set hypervisor manager in rule
# -sRhvmt,--set-rule-hvm-type <RULE_GUID> <HYPERVISORMANAGERTYPE>> Set hypervisor manager type in rule
# -sRhvt,--set-rule-hv-type <RULE_GUID> <HYPERVISORTYPE>> Set hypervisor type in rule
# -sRn,--set-rule-node <RULE_GUID> <NODE_GUID>> Set node in rule
# -sRovw,--set-rule-overwrite <RULE_GUID> <TRUE|FALSE>> Set overwrite status in rule
# -sRrci,--set-rule-restore-cluster-id <RULE_GUID> <RESTORE_CLUSTER_ID>> Set restore cluster id in rule
# -sRrn,--set-rule-restored-name <RULE_GUID> <VM_NAME>> Set target VM name in rule
# -sRrp,--set-rule-restore-path <RULE_GUID> <PATH>> Set restore path in rule
# -sRrsi,--set-rule-restore-storage-id <RULE_GUID> <RESTORE_STORAGE_ID>> Set restore storage id in rule
# -sRtp,--set-rule-target-project <RULE_GUID> <PROJECT_NAME>> Set target project in rule
# -sRuag,--set-rule-use-auto-generated-name <RULE_GUID> <TRUE|FALSE>> Set rule use auto generated name
# -sRv,--set-rule-vms <RULE_GUID> <VM_GUIDS>> Add virtual machines to rule
Examples (Recovery plans policies)
To create new policy:
vprotect recplan -c "New Recovery Policy"
# GUID Name Priority Rules
# ------------------------------------ ------------------- -------- -----
# d76bb990-817d-47ca-ba04-1dbdeffacf2a New Recovery Policy 50 0
To add new rule to selected policy:
vprotect recplan -aR Rule1 d76bb990-817d-47ca-ba04-1dbdeffacf2a
# Property Value
# ------------ ------------------------------------
# GUID d76bb990-817d-47ca-ba04-1dbdeffacf2a
# Name New Recovery Policy
# Priority 50
# No. of rules 1
To list policies:
vprotect recplan -l
# GUID Name Priority Rules
# ------------------------------------ ------------------- -------- -----
# d76bb990-817d-47ca-ba04-1dbdeffacf2a New Recovery Policy 50 1
To list rules assigned to policy:
vprotect recplan -r d76bb990-817d-47ca-ba04-1dbdeffacf2a
# GUID Name VMs Hypervisor Type Hypervisor Manager Type Hypervisor Hypervisor Manager Node Backup Selection Active Restore Storage Id Restore Cluster Id Target VM Name Target Project Restore Path Overwrite Base Image Data Center Disk Allocation Format Use auto generated name
# ------------------------------------ ----- --- --------------- ----------------------- ---------- ------------------ ---- ---------------- ------ ------------------ ------------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ --------- ---------- ----------- ---------------------- -----------------------
# 6f0cc9ae-5842-4339-aee1-c8d21904317b Rule1 [] - - - - - Last successful true null null null null null true - - - false
To select the virtual machine you want to restore using a rule :
vprotect vm -l # To list virtual machines and their GUID's
vprotect recplan -sRv 6f0cc9ae-5842-4339-aee1-c8d21904317b f2354325-562e-465b-abc4-c4db51036b80
<!-- GUID Name Priority Rules
------------------------------------ ------------------- -------- -----
d76bb990-817d-47ca-ba04-1dbdeffacf2a New Recovery Policy 50 1 -->