
Before every update, check the version of installed packages. The database version is particularly important.

yum info vprotect-server vprotect-node mariadb-server
# Or
rpm -qa | egrep -e "vprotect|Maria"

If the host computer has an Internet connection, use the yum command - you'll also see the new package versions provided by the repositories.

Server Upgrade

  • Make sure you have the vPlus database backup.

    • You can use this command manually to back it up on-demand on the vPlus Server:/opt/vprotect/scripts/backup_db.sh /path/to/backup/file.sql.gz

  • If vPlus was installed on a virtual machine (not a physical one), it would be a good move to take a snapshot.

  • After backing up the database, we should carefully stop the vPlus service to make sure that we don't have any tasks running (a running task may cause problems updating the database).

    • View all tasks, if you see even one on the list, clear it (wait for the ongoing tasks to finish)

    • You can do this from the WebUI (it's faster)

vprotect task -L

#                 GUID                   Type    State    [%]    Window start       Window end     Pri.     Node       VM/APP
# ------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---  ----------------  ----------------  ----  ----------  -----------
# e3bb2496-3928-417c-a604-8c61b64df90e  Export  Running   0    2020-06-19 12:27  2020-06-19 17:27  50    vPro-Local  VM_01_Apine
# 05c1d6cc-fe3b-40fb-9811-94b976571d8e  Store   Finished  100  2020-06-19 12:10  2020-06-19 17:10  50    vPro-Local  VM_01_Apine
# cb47190d-cf10-4cf9-8d1d-418eed5accf9  Export  Finished  100  2020-06-19 12:09  2020-06-19 17:09  50    vPro-Local  VM_01_Apine

#To delete a task from the list
vprotect task -d cb47190d-cf10-4cf9-8d1d-418eed5accf9
  • Now, if you don't have any tasks on the list, you can stop the service.

systemctl disable vprotect-server --now
  • To make sure that no scheduler has started a task before stopping the service, let's query the database.

    • If the table is not empty, start the vPlus-Server service and clear the tasks again.

mysql -u root -p -e "Select * FROM vprotect.task;"
  • Make sure you have MariaDB up-to-date - currently vPlus by default uses version 10.4, while 10.2.31 is the minimum version supported.

    • If you need to migrate between versions (for example. 10.3 to 10.4) - we recommend updating it as described here, but when you uninstall MariaDB packages you SHOULD NOT remove the vPlus Server package (as a dependency) i.e. try the --noautoremove option: As centos/rhel 7 do not have the --noautoremove option natively, please use the rpm method.

    • Otherwise, minor MariaDB versions should be updated with yum update

    • rpm -e --nodeps "MariaDB-server-YOUR_VERSION_OF_PACKAGE"

    • Update the MariaDB repository to the correct version vi /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo

    • Install the new MariaDB-Server yum install -y mariadb-server

    • Update all other components of MariaDB yum update -y mariadb

    • Start the MariaDB engine systemctl enable mariadb --now

    • Run mysql_upgrade to update the vPlus Database mysql_upgrade --user=root --password

  • If the database update is successful, now we can start with the vPlus Update. Make sure you configure our new repository for vPlus - new base URL:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/vProtect.repo

  • Update the Server (it may take a while, the service is being restarted):

    yum -y update vprotect-server
  • If the server service was not running before update, you may also need to execute:

    systemctl enable vprotect-server --now

Node Upgrade

  1. Update each Node:

    systemctl stop vprotect-node
    yum -y update vprotect-node
  2. Run the script to configure the OS for Node:

  3. If the node service was not running before the update, you may also need to execute:

    systemctl enable vprotect-node --now
  4. Log in to the web UI and check if the nodes are running.

Note. You may need to refresh your browser cache after an update. In Chrome use CTRL+SHIFT+R (Windows/Linux) / CMD+SHIFT+R (MacOS)

Cloud Server Upgrade

  1. Update Cloud Server on each host with Node installed:

    yum update sbr-cloud-server

Cloud Agent Upgrade

  1. Update Cloud Agent on each host with Node installed:

    yum update sbr-cloud-agent

Last updated