
  • Network: minimum 1Gb/s

  • Number of sites: 1

  • Number of vPlus installations: 1 server along with node

  • vPlus min. 4 vCPU and 6 GB RAM

  • Number of backup threads: 3-4 (default)

  • Backup window: 8 hours

  • Data to back up: up to 2.5 TB

  • staging space: your_largest_VM * backup threads

As mentioned above, network speed is a very important factor. If you have a 1Gb/s connection between the server, node, and backup clients, then during the 8 hours of the backup window we can assume that if we load the network at 70% of its capacity, we should transfer 2.5TB of data

In this scenario, vPlus (server and node) can, for example, be deployed as a VM using any of the installation methods.

Last updated