Managing MinIO Buckets

Catalogic vStor’s virtual appliance includes an embedded MinIO server, suitable for archiving Block and Agentless data. You can either format a disk for a new MinIO volume or register an existing one, typically on a separate server.

Accessing the MinIO Console

You can create a MinIO bucket from the MinIO Console on your web browser. If you created a new MinIO volume from the Catalogic vStor, take the following actions:

  1. Access the vStor Management Interface at https://<vStor_hostname_or_IP>:8900.

  2. Log in as admin.

  3. From the navigation menu, select Storage.

  4. Go to Storage, open the MinIO volume’s pool, and navigate to its MinIO tab. Ensure that you can see the access key and the secret key.

  5. In the vStor Management Interface, click Open MinIO Server for the MinIO volume. Make sure your workstation can reach the MinIO server’s UI port.

  6. Enter the MinIO volume’s access key in the Username field and the secret key in the Password field.

  7. Click Login to access the MinIO Console.

Creating buckets of MinIO

To create a new bucket in the MinIO Console for Catalogic vStor:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Buckets.

  2. Click Create Bucket. Enter the Bucket Name and click Create Bucket.

After creating a new bucket, confirm its visibility in the MinIO Console. Then, return to the vStor Management Interface and check that the MinIO bucket is visible under the MinIO tab.

Last updated