Configuring vStor system settings

To access vStor’s systems settings, select the System tab from the menu.

Enabling firewall

If you want to enable or disable the vStor firewall, select an appropriate option from the dropdown menu:

Configuring NTP settings using vStor Web Interface

By default, vStor uses your machine’s locale to determine the current time. Select a new timezone from the NTP Timezone dropdown list to change it.

If you wish to change the currently used NTP server, provide an address to the server in the NTP Servers field.

Configuring Email Settings using vStor Web Interface

You can enable email notifications for your vStor instance to inform you about events like failed replication, pool free space below 10%, and more.

To configure email notifications, you need to provide the following information about your SMTP server and specify a list of email addresses, which will receive the notifications:

Configuring Email Settings using vStor CLI

To configure email settings using vStor CLI, use the following command and specify the address of the server, list of recipients and the email credentials:

vstor system mail set --host <server_hostname> --user <email_username> --password <email_password> --recipients <email_recipients> 

Changing NTP server using vStor CLI

To configure email settings using vStor CLI, use the following command and specify the address of the server:

vstor system pref set --name NTPServers --value <server_address>

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