Initializing vStor

To initialize the vStor server after installation, follow these steps using the vStor Management Interface:

  1. Verify the server installation and ensure the hostname or IPv4 address is resolvable.

  2. Open a web browser and navigate to https://<vStor_hostname_or_IP>:8900.

  3. Log in with the username admin and the set password (default is admin).

  4. Upon first login, you will see the following options:

    • Create Pool: Automatically creates a storage pool during initialization.

    • Initialize without Pool: Initializes the server without creating a storage pool.

    • Attempt Config Recovery: Initializes and recovers from a previous configuration. See Restoring Configuration Settings of Catalogic vStor.

    • Manual Initialization: Requires SSH access and command-line initialization using vstor system init.

Attention! Run vstor system init with a flag --skip_pool to manually create pools after initialization. This option allows you to create a storage pool using advanced redundancy options and a specific list of disks.

  1. Click Yes to start initialization, which may take several minutes. Once completed, the dashboard will indicate successful initialization. If the Create pool during initialization option was selected, a pool will also be created.

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