Configuring DPX for Automatic Blocklist Updates

Attention! This chapter details changes for the DPX Master Server configuration, not GuardMode. These modifications are essential for enabling the Master Server to download the blocklist from our server.

Follow these instructions to configure automatic blocklist updates for GuardMode in your DPX Master Server.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Access to your DPX instance via SSH.

  • Root user privileges.

Configuring Automatic Blocklist Updates

  1. Log in to Your DPX Instance via SSH, using:

ssh your_username@your_dpx_instance_ip
  1. Switch to Root User

  2. Navigate to the Services Directory, using:

cd /catalogic/services
  1. Edit the dpx.yml Docker Compose file to configure automatic blocklist updates.

In the dpx.yml file, locate the section catalog → environment. Add or modify the following environment variables to enable automatic blocklist updates:

  • Blocklist Network Fetch Enabled: Determines if the blocklist will be downloaded from the internet. Default: false.

  • Blocklist Network URL: The URL for the blocklist download. Default:

  • Blocklist Network Fetch Interval (milliseconds): The frequency of blocklist updates. Default: 43200000 (12 hours).

Example configuration:

  1. Save the changes to the dpx.yml file and exit the text editor.

  2. Restart the DPX services to apply the new configuration.

systemctl restart dpx-swarm

Attention! Restarting the DPX services will temporarily disrupt any ongoing operations. Plan this change during a maintenance window to avoid impacting users.

  1. Once the services are running again (this may take a few minutes), check the Events section in the DPX UI to verify that the blocklist has been downloaded.

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