Agent CLI Reference

Hint. Required parameters in the table below are marked with an asterisk (*).



  • --enable-watcher - Enable filesystem watcher, default: True

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Start Catalogic GuardMode Agent.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe run

register dpx

  • -u/--username* - Agent REST API username

  • -p/--password* - Agent REST API password

  • --operating-system - Current OS

  • --group-name - DPX node group name, default: DefaultGroup

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Register current agent as a DPX security node. You have to add a DPX instance as notification provider before using this command.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe register dpx --username <value> --password <value> [options]

deregister dpx

  • --id - DPX notification provider ID

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Deregister current agent as DPX security node.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent deregister dpx [options]

config list notification-provider dpx

  • --id - DPX notification provider id

  • -h/--help - Show help text

List registered DPX notification providers.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config list notification-provider dpx [options]

config add notification-provider dpx

  • -u/--username* - DPX username

  • -p/--password - DPX password, ENV variable: GMA_DPX_PASSWORD

  • --hostname* - DPX hostname

  • --batch-size - Maximum events batch size, default: 200

  • --enabled - Enable DPX notification provider, default: True

  • --send-frequency - Notification sending frequency in seconds, default: 5

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Add a DPX instance as a notification provider.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config add notification-provider dpx --username <value> --password <value> --hostname <value> [options]

config update notification-provider dpx

  • --id* - DPX notification provider id

  • -u/--username - DPX username

  • -p/--password - DPX password

  • --hostname - DPX hostname

  • --batch-size - Maximum events batch size, default: 200

  • --enabled - Enable DPX notification provider, default: True

  • --send-frequency - Notification sending frequency in seconds, default: 5

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Update DPX notification provider configuration.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config update notification-provider dpx --id <value> [options]

config remove notification-provider dpx

  • --id* - DPX notification provider id

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Remove a DPX instance from the notification provider configuration.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config remove notification-provider dpx --id <value> [options]

config list notification-provider syslog

  • --id - Syslog notification provider ID

  • -h/--help - Show help text

List Syslog notification providers.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config list notification-provider syslog [options]

config add notification-provider syslog

  • --hostname* - Syslog hostname or IP address

  • --port - Syslog port, default: 514

  • --tls-enabled - Enable TLS communication, default: False

  • --validate-tls-certificate - Enable TLS certificate validation, default: True

  • --tls-certificate-path - Path to certificate file

  • --application-name Application name which will be included in Syslog messages, default: Catalogic-Guard-Mode-Agent

  • --output-template - Serilog message format, default: "[{Level:u3}]: {Message:l}{Exception}"

  • --protocol Syslog communication protocol, default: TCP, available: TCP, UDP

  • --batch-size - Maximum events batch size, default: 200

  • --enabled - Enable DPX notification provider, default: True

  • --send-frequency - Notification send frequency, default: 5

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Add a Syslog server as a notification provider.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config add notification-provider syslog --hostname <value> [options]

config update notification-provider syslog

  • --id* - Syslog notification provider ID

  • --hostname - Syslog hostname or IP address

  • --port - Syslog port, default: 514

  • --tls-enabled - Enable TLS communication, default: False

  • --validate-tls-certificate - Enable TLS certificate validation, default: True

  • --tls-certificate-path - Path to certificate file

  • --application-name Application name which will be included in Syslog messages, default: Catalogic-Guard-Mode-Agent

  • --output-template - Serilog message format, default: [{Level:u3}]: {Message:l}{Exception}

  • --protocol Syslog communication protocol. default: TCP, available: TCP, UDP

  • --batch-size - Maximum events batch size, default: 200

  • --enabled - Enable DPX notification provider, default: True

  • --send-frequency - Notification sending frequency in seconds, default: 5

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Update Syslog notification provider configuration.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config update notification-provider syslog --id <value> [options]

config remove notification-provider syslog

  • --id* - Syslog notification provider ID

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Remove a Syslog server from the notification provider configuration.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config remove notification-provider syslog --id <value> [options]

config update notification-provider log

  • --batch-size - Maximum event batch size

  • --enabled - Enables log notification provider

  • --send-frequency-seconds - Interval, in seconds, between each batch of sent notifications

  • -f|--file - Path to the configuration file, default: appsettings.json

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Update log notification provider configuration.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent config update notification-provider log [options]

registration-token set

  • -t|--token - Token value. If not set, a random string will be used instead, ENV variable: GM_REGISTRATION_TOKEN.

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Sets registration token used to authenticate registration with management server.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent registration-token set [options]

config update basic-authentication

  • -u/--username - Username for REST API basic authentication, default: sysadmin

  • -p/--password* - Password for REST API basic authentication

  • -f/--file - Path to file where credentials will be saved, default: appsettings.json

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Save basic authentication credentials into appsettings.json file.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config update basic-authentication --password <value> --username <value> [options]

config merge

  • --file* - Path to the configuration file that will be merged the current configuration

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Merge provided configuration file with current configuration.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe config merge --file <PathToOldConfigurationFile>

config update smb

  • --enabled - Enables the SMB TCP listener

  • -p|--port - A port on which agent will listen to SMB rsyslog messages through TCP

  • -t|--template - SMB message template. It has to match the full_audit:prefix value from smb.conf file

  • --end - End marker of rsyslog message

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Update SMB monitoring configuration. SMB monitoring is only supported on Linux.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent config update smb [options]

scan execute

  • directorypaths* - Paths to the scanned directories

  • --update-interval - Interval, in seconds, between scan diagnostic information prompts, default: 5

  • --check-blocklist - If true, file names will be analyzed during scan to find files with suspicious names often used by ransomware, default: False

  • --send-alert-notifications - If true, send out alerts on suspicious file found, default: True

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Execute a file scan on specific directories.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent scan execute <directorypaths...> [options]

scan list

  • -h/--help - Show help text

List information about all scans.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agent.exe scan list [options]

scan show

  • id* - ID of a scan

  • -h/--help - Show help text

Shows scan details.

Catalogic.GuardMode.Agend.exe scan show [options]