Support Lifecycle Schedule

The Support Lifecycle Schedule provides advanced notification of planned changes in product support. This information helps customers and partners with product planning and information technology decisions. Catalogic regularly reviews system and application popularity and will include and exclude various features on a regular basis.

Full support includes software maintenance updates, content updates, software fixes, knowledge base support and access to Catalogic support engineers per terms of the maintenance agreement. Releases of Catalogic DPX typically reach General Availability (GA) approximately once a year.

The extended support starts when full support has ended and includes access to Catalogic support engineers per terms of the maintenance agreement, access to already existing software updates/fixes and knowledge base support but excludes new software maintenance and new content updates. The investigation of new issues is limited and does not include any software development.

Catalogic support of operating systems and applications parallels that of the third-party vendors: when third-party vendor products go into extended support, self-serve support, or end of life, Catalogic generally does the same.