In the web interface, block backups are defined in the Job Manager section. In the desktop interface, block backups are implemented through a backup wizard.
In the main web interface view, go to Job Manager in the sidebar. Then select the New Backup Job button in the upper right corner.
Specify the Job Name (this field may contain up to 16 characters). Add an optional, brief description (this field may contain up to 48 characters).
Select Job Type – Block and the Job Folder to store the job in (see the Job Manager section for more information). By default, all jobs are stored in the SS_DEFAULT job folder.
Click Add Source in the SOURCES pane to specify which volumes you want to back up. The Source selection dialog will appear. Select the desired volumes and click Select.
Tip. If you want to perform a Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) backup which allows for further recovery of the entire machine, select the BMR volume.
For more information, see Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) Backup and Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) Restore.
Tip. You may view your current selection at any moment, using the Selected Items button next to the search field.
You can clear each item using the “X” symbol next to the item, or clear all items at once using the Clear All button.
Click Set Destination in the DESTINATION pane to choose the destination for the backup.
You may also add a schedule in the SCHEDULES pane for the backup to be run regularly. See Scheduling a Block Backup Job.
If you want to add an Archive backup to your backup job, click Add Archive in the ARCHIVE pane. The Add Archive dialog will appear.
Important. Before using this functionality, read the Archive section in the Backup chapter.
Specify Advanced Options. For details, see Job Options for Block Backup.
Click Save. The Run Job prompt will be shown, where you may determine the retention period (default: 90 days) and choose whether to run the job immediately. Either way, the job will be available in the Job Manager section.
Go to the Backup tab.
From the Backup Modes section in the side panel, choose Block.
In the Job Tasks section of the task panel, find and click Block Backup Wizard.
The Block Backup Wizard window will appear.
By default, the creator allows you to select from the drop-down list and edit an already existing job. If you want to create a new block backup job, click the New Job button in the lower right corner.
In the Select Source step, choose the volumes you want to include in the backup. Click Next.
Tip. If you want to perform a Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) backup which allows for further recovery of the entire machine, select the BMR volume.
For more information, see Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) Backup and Bare Metal Recovery (BMR) Restore.
In the Select Destination step, choose the destination for the backup job. Click Next.
In the Job Options step, define the job options for the backup job. See details below.
See also. For more information about block backup job options, see Job Options for Block Backup.
In the final Save step, you must enter the Job Name (max. 16 characters) and specify the Job Folder to store the job in (the default folder is SS_DEFAULT). You may also add a comment to the job definition or set up a schedule (See Scheduling a Block Backup Job).
In the Job Schedule dialog, you can also schedule Archive jobs for the Block backup.
Important. Before using this functionality, read the Archive section in the Backup chapter.
Click Finish. The Final Job Run Settings dialog box will appear. You may choose to run the job immediately or save it without running. You may also change the retention period (default: 90 days).
Catalogic DPX offers a variety of job options for Block backup. All of them are available from both interfaces, but the access thereto may differ. See details for each interface below.
In the web interface, backup job options are defined in the Advanced Options section. To access them, do the following:
Go to Job Manager in the sidebar.
Open an already existing backup job. Or create a new Block backup job, by clicking the New Backup Job button in the upper right corner and then selecting Backup Type Block.
Go to the Advanced Options section at the bottom (scroll down if necessary) and expand it. Click any of the following section headers to expand it. Each field and the available choices are explained below.
Tells DPX to run a consistency check on SQL Server before backing up a SQL Server database. The check runs three utilities that Microsoft recommends before a backup: DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKALLOC, and DBCC CHECKCATALOG.
Toggle on
Performs the consistency check.
Toggle off
Does not perform the consistency check.
This option controls the truncation of SQL Server Transaction Logs during a Block backup. This option must be set to On in order to enable Point-in-Time restore.
Toggle on
SQL Server transaction logs are truncated on the source database server after the backup completes. To find the backed-up SQL logs, refer to the message “BACKUP LOG <database-instance> TO DISK...” in the Job Log or to Event 18265 in the Application Event Log.
Toggle off
SQL Server transaction logs are not truncated and will therefore continue to grow on the source database server. To truncate translation logs, run SQL Server maintenance on the source machine. No is the default.
This option controls the truncation of Microsoft Exchange Logs during a Block backup.
Toggle on
After the backup is complete, DPX deletes the old Exchange logs. Yes is the default.
Toggle off
DPX does not delete any Exchange logs.
Determines whether DPX will back up Exchange DAG from a passive node or an active node.
Toggle on
Default setting. Back up Exchange DAG from a passive node.
Toggle off
Back up Exchange DAG from an active node.
For Oracle backups, this option determines whether to synchronize the RMAN catalog after the job is completed. Yes is the default.
Toggle on
Synchronize the RMAN catalog after the job completes.
Toggle off
Do not synchronize the RMAN catalog after the job is completed. If you choose this option, the job is not cataloged in RMAN.
This section includes the following radio button selection:
Disable File History
Process File History on Local Client (default selection)
Process File History on Master Server
This section includes the following options:
Task Data Retry Count (default: 5)
Task Retry Interval (default: 1)
Throttle (default: 0)
Resolution Auto Cancel Timeout [Minutes] (default: 180)
Resolution Retry Count (default: 3)
Wait Interval Between Replies [Minutes] (default: 1)
Data Transfer Auto Cancel Interval [Minutes] (default: 0)
And one toggle:
Backup IA Mapped Drives (default: disabled)
The Notification Options section controls who receives messages pertaining to the current job when it is run.
This section includes the Job e-mail notification toggle.
Toggle on
The notification is sent as specified below the toggle (additional fields will appear – see below).
Toggle off
The subject of your message. The subject line usually contains a combination of straight text and variable elements. Variables, which must begin with %
, are replaced with actual corresponding values. If you enclose variables in double quotation marks, those variables are treated as literal values. You can embed the following variables:
Use %RC to include the return code in the message for this run of the job, when applicable.
The email address of the primary recipient of your message. Only one “To” address is permitted.
Carbon Copy. The email address(es) of the secondary recipient(s) of your message. Use a semicolon to delimit multiple email addresses.
Blind Carbon Copy. The email address(es) of the secondary recipient(s) not identified to other recipients. Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple email addresses.
Note. Note that the following characters are invalid in all fields: <
and '
Note. DPX emailing must be enabled when you first configure your Enterprise. At that time, you supply general system information, including SMTP Host Name and SMTP Port. See the Administrator E-mail Settings section.
Enter the name of a script to execute prior to the actual job.
Basic usage: <script>@<node_name> <argument_list>
The action be taken if the Pre-Job Script fails to successfully complete:
Run Job/Run Post-Job Script
Skip Job/Run Post-Job Script
Skip Job/Skip Post-Job Script
The action to be taken if the Job fails to successfully complete:
Run Post-Job Script
Skip Post-Job Script
Enter the name of a script to execute after the actual job.
Basic usage: <script>@<node_name> <argument_list>
See also. For detailed information about pre- and post-job scripts, including all valid definitions, see Pre-Scripts and Post-Scripts.
In the desktop interface, backup jobs are defined exclusively through the Block Backup Wizard. See Creating a Block Backup Job. The last but one step of the Wizard, the Job Options screen contains five tabs. Each of them is explained below.
Task Data Transfer Retry Count
Controls the number of checkpoint retries of an interrupted Block backup. The retries attempt to resume the job from the last successfully backed-up data block. Enter the number of checkpoint restart attempts.
Task Retry Intervals (Minutes)
Determines how long to wait before retrying failed tasks.
When a task fails (due to permission problems, open files, interim job changes, etc.), it waits the number of minutes specified in this field before attempting that task again. Because the same failure might occur if the task is retried too soon, it is better to allow some time for an error to be corrected before retrying the task. A task is only retried once. Failing tasks appear in error message lists in the Job Log. All tasks are subject to retry.
Enter a value in KB/s (kilobytes per second) to set the maximum transmission rate per backup task. The value 0, the default, allows the task to use the maximum bandwidth available. See Catalogic DPX Block Data Protection in the DPX 4.9.x User’s Guide.
Resolution Auto Cancel Interval (Minutes)
This option comes into play when DPX attempts to retry a failed snapshot. If the retry is unresponsive, DPX initiates job auto-cancel after this interval, in minutes, has lapsed.
Resolution Retry Count
Determines how many times to retry a failed snapshot attempt.
Wait Interval Between Retries (Minutes)
Determines the amount of time (in minutes) to wait between retry attempts for a failed snapshot attempt.
Data Transfer Auto Cancel Interval (Minutes)
This option comes into play if a job does not get an indication of “active” status during the data transfer phase of the job. DPX initiates job cancellation after this interval, in minutes, has lapsed.
Backup IA-Mapped Drive
This is an option to backup IA-Mapped drives from DPX snapshots. Note: The default setting is No and should be changed to Yes to back up the drives.
MSSQL DB Consistency Check
Tells DPX to run a consistency check on SQL Server before backing up a SQL Server database. The check runs three utilities that Microsoft recommends before a backup: DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKALLOC, and DBCC CHECKCATALOG.
Does not perform the consistency check.
Performs the consistency check.
Backup and Truncate SQL Logs
This option controls the truncation of SQL Server Transaction Logs during a Block backup. This option must be set to Yes to enable Point-in-Time restore.
SQL Server transaction logs are truncated on the source database server after the backup completes. To find the backed up SQL logs, refer to the message “BACKUP LOG <database-instance> TO DISK...” in the Job Log or to Event 18265 in the Application Event Log.
SQL Server transaction logs are not truncated and will therefore continue to grow on the source database server. To truncate translation logs, run SQL Server maintenance on the source machine. No is the default.
Exchange DAG Passive Copy
Determines whether DPX will back up Exchange DAG from a passive node or an active node.
Default setting. Back up Exchange DAG from a passive node.
Back up Exchange DAG from an active node.
Truncate Exchange Logs
This option controls the truncation of Microsoft Exchange Logs during a Block backup.
After the backup is complete, DPX deletes the old Exchange logs. Yes is the default.
DPX does not delete any Exchange logs.
Oracle RMAN Cataloging Control
For Oracle backups, this option determines whether to synchronize the RMAN catalog after the job is completed. Yes is the default.
Synchronize the RMAN catalog after the job completes.
Do not synchronize the RMAN catalog after the job is completed. If you choose this option, the job is not cataloged in RMAN.
NDMP File History Handling
Controls file history generation for NDMP and Block backup tasks. For Block backups, recovery through the use of Instant Access provides for granular file-level restore regardless of whether file history was generated or not. Instant Access allows Block backups to be run very frequently by eliminating the need to include file histories during backup. For information on using Instant Access for file-level restore, see Instant Access as a File History Alternative in the DPX 4.9.x User’s Guide.
Disable File History
Disables NDMP server file history generation.
Process File History on Local Client
Enables NDMP server file history generation and processes the file history data on the NDMP client node. This is the default.
Process File History on Master Server
Enables NDMP server file history generation but transmits the file history data to the master server node for processing.
Enable NDMP Server Logging
Controls the routing of NDMP server-generated log messages to the job log file.
All NDMP server log messages will be routed to the master server’s job log file. Yes is the default.
The NDMP server log messages will be logged locally in the NDMP client node log file instead of in the master server’s job log file.
Additional NDMP Environment
This option allows you to introduce any additional NDMP environment variables that are necessary for the backup task. Specify your environment variables as an ASCII string with an environment variable name and value pairs using the following syntax:
Note. Syntax validation is not performed on the specified value at job definition time, but rather at run time. Only valid entries are added to the NDMP operation environment.
Note. Alternative syntax, e.g. env1name value;env2name value;...
(semicolon-delimited, no equal sign) or env1name valueenv2name value...
(no delimiter, no equal sign) may be displayed in the interface. However, for the sake of clarity, the env1name=value,env2name=value,...
version is strongly recommended.
Attention! Do not specify any of the following NDMP environment variables in your variable string because DPX controls these specifically:
Specifying the variables above may cause unexpected results due to the unpredictability of the order in which they are evaluated.
NDMP servers from different vendors may support different NDMP environment variables. Except for a few well-known environment variable names, there is currently no standardized set of such variables. This option allows you to add environmental variables specific to your NDMP server.
Enter the name of a script to execute prior to the actual job.
Basic usage: <script>@<node_name> <argument_list>
The action to be taken if the Pre-Job Script fails to complete successfully:
Run Job/Run Post-Job Script
Skip Job/Run Post-Job Script
Skip Job/Skip Post-Job Script
The action to be taken if the Job fails to complete successfully:
Run Post-Job Script
Skip Post-Job Script
Enter the name of a script to execute after the actual job.
Basic usage: <script>@<node_name> <argument_list>
See also. For detailed information about pre- and post-job scripts, including all valid definitions, see Pre-Scripts and Post-Scripts.
Two sets of mail information can be specified:
Output Email
Specifies that the subsequent fields apply to reports that are sent when a job has completed.
Operator Email
Specifies that the subsequent fields apply to mount requests, error messages, and informational messages that are sent during a job.
The email address of the primary recipient of your message. Only one “To” address is permitted.
Carbon Copy. The email address(es) of the secondary recipient(s) of your message. Use a semicolon to delimit multiple email addresses.
Blind Carbon Copy. The email address(es) of the secondary recipient(s) not identified to other recipients. Use a semi-colon to delimit multiple email addresses.
The subject of your message. The subject line usually contains a combination of straight text and variable elements. Variables, which must begin with %
, are replaced with actual corresponding values. If you enclose variables in double quotation marks, those variables are treated as literal values. You can embed the following variables:
Use %RC to include the return code in the message for this run of the job, when applicable.
Selecting this check box option temporarily disables notifications for the job without deleting the currently defined job notification data.
Note. Note that the following characters are invalid in all fields: <
and '
Note. DPX emailing must be enabled when you first configure your Enterprise. At that time, you supply general system information, including SMTP Host Name and SMTP Port. See Editing an Enterprise Configuration.
The notification is sent to the default e-mail address configured in the section.